~ Prologue ~

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Region - Kanto

The unusually large Poochyena stood on a rock, exposed to dangerously powerful wind. She closed her sky-blue and yellow eyes, feeling the freezing air brush her thick, fluffy fur. She was accompanied by a regular Poochyena, a shiny Sylveon and a Furfrou with a star trim. They hadn't eaten for several days, and the last time they ate something, it was only a few oran berries she found in a bush. It wasn't much, and she felt like she would faint from hunger. Unlike most Poochyena, she didn't eat everything, and despised meat. The doglike pokemon didn't have a problem getting water, as there were heaps of ponds and lakes she could drink from. She sighed and leaped down from the rock.

"Come on, guys. We should go..." She decided, motioning for her companions to follow her. The 4 canines walked, tired and worn-out, going nowhere in particular. They'd travelled over land and sea, possibly crossing through a region or two. If they'd made it that far, one day... they would get back on track.

On their slow, exhausting walk, a vicious growl could be heard behind the group of pokemon. They were now in a dark, empty alleyway, and the unique Poochyena sensed dread and doom. She turned around to face her foe. A Mightyena, that would be the size of a human if she stood up, sat before her, waiting to attack and grinning evilly with knife-sharp teeth. It took a step toward her, and the terrified Poochyena signaled for her friends to hide while she fought the enemy. She was already weak, but she wasn't going to let her companions get hurt if she could protect them.

"Shynia. We meet again." The Mightyena sneered.

"Only because you've been following me, Katrina!" Shynia whined, tucking her bushy, gray tail behind her legs. She noticed Katrina's claws were extra sharpened; did the Mightyena think she was a Meowth or something?

"Well, I can't just let you get away. I'm not done with my revenge." Katrina growled at Shynia, staring at her darkening eyes. This happened to Shynia whenever she felt scared or threatened.

"Katrina, you've hurt me enough! I never even did anything to you!" Shynia wailed, backing away. "Please leave me alone for once!"

"Leave you alone? Ha! Not in a million years. Although, at this rate you won't even be alive for a month." Katrina smirked. Shynia winced. Why did Katrina have to be such a jerk? Before she could think more, Katrina was on top of her.

Shynia let out an ear-splitting yelp as Katrina pinned her down and scratched her shoulder. Blood started streaming out of the wound, and Shynia aimed to bite Katrina's paw, but missed. The two continued to fight and struggle with each other, Katrina continuously injuring Shynia.

A boy and his Pikachu were just walking through Viridian City, when they thought they heard a distressed noise. Pikachu pricked up his ears.

"What was that?" The boy gasped.

"Pika.. pika pi!" Pikachu suggested.

"Oh, we should go and find out? Yeah, I think that's a good idea, buddy! Let's go!" The two rushed toward the source of the sound. It led to an alleyway with no one except a long-furred Poochyena and a big Mightyena. The Poochyena was bigger than normal too, and it also had a studded collar, along with a worn-out bow on its head and ripped ribbons curling around its paws. It looked... petrified! The Mightyena that was attacking it was as vicious as a disturbed legendary Pokemon! The boy knew he had to act.

"HEY!! Leave that Poochyena alone!" The boy yelled, standing in front of it and blocking it from the Mightyena. His Pikachu thundershocked the attacking Pokemon, paralysing it and preventing it from continuing to attack. The boy picked up the injured Poochyena. Surprisingly, it was extremely fluffy and soft... But now it was time for him to get it to safety.

"Wow, you're an unusual Poochyena!" The boy exclaimed, stroking it and spraying it with a hyper potion. "That should keep you out of trouble!" He assured the Poochyena. He looked around for the Mightyena, but it had disappeared. Gently, he put the Poochyena down. "Let's get you to your trainer-" He started to say, but when he blinked... the Poochyena was gone too! 

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