Chapter 1 - New friends?

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Region - Kanto

Hiding in a bush, the girl tried to catch her breath. That was... so close. But she should be alright for now, as she was disguised in her human form. But... would it still be obvious? She had the ears and tail of a Poochyena... pushing away the thought, she hugged her Poochyena, Sylveon and Furfrou. That boy... he was brave. He didn't even know her, yet he defended her...? The girl had always thought that humans were cruel and never to be trusted... but maybe she was wrong. This one seemed to love Pokemon if he was willing to risk hurting himself to protect them...

"Hey!! Where did you go? Poochyena?" The girl snapped out of her thoughts. The boy was looking for her! She froze as the bush rustled and he discovered her... again. For a moment or two he stared, as if unsure of what to say. "Uh, I'm sorry, but have you seen a really fluffy Poochyena anywhere? Quite large, for a Poochyena..." He finally asked her. Good, so he didn't realise it WAS her. "N-no..." The girl replied, heart hammering in her chest. She couldn't trust him, she didn't even know him! If he found out... oh no, that would be a disaster! The girl hugged her Pokemon close to her. She didn't know why she felt so scared...

"It's ok. I won't hurt you. I'm Ash, by the way." The boy introduced himself, smiling. The girl didn't know what to do. Should she run away and never look back? Or should she tell him her name too? She decided to be brave.

"I... I.... I'm... um... Sh-Shynia..." The girl stuttered. What the heck was she doing? Introducing herself to a HUMAN? She wanted to thank him for saving her, but that would give her secret away. At the same time, she also wanted to trust him. Maybe he could help her... maybe he could be her friend? No... that wouldn't be possible. Humans and Pokepeople don't just become friends... but... that would be nice...

"Whoa!! Is that Sylveon... a shiny?" Ash asked.

"Y-yes..." Shynia answered. "H-her nickname i-is Bubblegum."

"Sylv!! Sylvy~" Bubblegum walked up to Ash.

"You also have a Poochyena..." Ash noticed Shynia's Poochyena. "The one I saw just before was quite different though!" Ash exclaimed. Shynia ignored his statement.

"Th-this is my Furfrou, Neon Star." Shynia pointed to her Furfrou, who struck a pose. "Poochyena doesn't have a nickname." She explained as Poochyena wagged his tail.

"Aww, your Pokemon are all so cute! Like my Pikachu! We've been buddies for... quite some time now, right Pikachu?" Ash nudged his Pokemon, that was sitting on his shoulder.

"Pika pi! Pikachuuuu~" The electric mouse Pokemon squeaked. Shynia smiled.

"Your Pikachu is a-adorable!" She tried stroking Pikachu, only to get electrocuted.

"AHHH!!" Shynia shouted. "I'm so sorry!" Ash gasped. "I forgot to tell you... Pikachu can be a bit weird around new people." he apologised.

"Pika..." Pikachu felt bad, so he bounded over to Shynia.

"It's ok!" Shynia quickly accepted his apology. "I understand. I-I thought I was the only o-one, but I g-guess not!" Shynia's stomach rumbled. "Ughhh... I haven't eaten for days..." She muttered to herself, but Ash heard her.

"Did I hear that right?" Ash gasped, a shocked expression on his face.

"Oh, um... it's n-nothing... don't w-worry about it..." Shynia sighed. She didn't want it to seem like she couldn't take care of herself... even if she couldn't.

"No! I need to help! Let me take you to a cafe!" Ash insisted.

"Wh-what's a cafe?" Shynia asked. Ash stared at her.

"Y-you really don't know what a cafe is?!" He asked.

"No..." Shynia admitted. "I'm guessing it has something to do with food though?" she guessed.

"Yep! Let's go!" Ash declared, leading the way. Shynia couldn't do anything but follow. Ash was a bit strange... to her anyway. She was probably strange to him. And she didn't know him very well, but he seemed like a good person and Shynia was too starving to not accept a chance to get food.

"Here we are!!" The two kids arrived outside the cafe. Shynia sniffed and her face broke out into a grin. She could smell food - and delicious food, at that! It was sweet, and she loved anything sugary. The two kids walked into the cafe, and Shynia gasped when she saw all the treats displayed. Chocolate brownies, caramel slices, cupcakes, macaroons, biscuits and pokepuffs were everywhere! There were also savoury options such as sandwiches, wraps and pastries, so there was plenty to choose from. Poochyena was even drooling.

"Hello! Dine in or take away?" A person asked Ash and Shynia. Shynia almost jumped out of her skin. She was so focused on the food, that she completely forgot the fact that this place would be packed with humans!

"Maybe we'll dine in? What do you think, Shynia?" Ash asked the girl, who was now hiding behind him.

"Um..." she whispered, checking to make sure if people were staring or not.

"Table for two?" The waiter prompted, questioningly, wondering if the table should be larger so their pokemon could sit somewhere.

"Actually... we'll just get take away." Ash decided, figuring it would be a better choice considering how shy Shynia was. She seemed to be very uncomfortable around all the people.

"Alright. What would you like?" The waiter asked.

"I'll have a wrap and two pokepuffs please!" Ash requested. The waiter looked at Shynia.

"And you, young lady? What do you wish to order?" Shynia started staring at the deserts again.

"That sweet thing... and 4 pokepuffs... and... a-ahh, that one... and-" Shynia started, before getting interrupted by Ash.

"Whoa whoa whoa... how much are you ordering? And are you only getting treats?" Ash asked, concerned. "I get you're hungry, but you shouldn't eat so much all of a sudden. Go easy, because you're not used to eating enough." He added, whispering it so only Shynia could hear. Shynia slowly nodded. Maybe he was right. She knew that too many sweets wasn't good for her.

"Sorry! I just get so excited when I see lots of food I like~" She explained happily. "In that case, I'll just have 4 pokepuffs and... um, that thing looks healthy~!" The waiter scribbed on his notepad. After a few moments, Ash and Shynia recieved their food and walked out of the cafe.

Shynia took a bite out of her pokepuff while handing the other 3 to each of her Pokemon. They happily accepted, tails wagging.

"Mmmm!! Soooo delicious~!" Shynia sang.

"Heh... glad I'm not the only human who eats pokepuffs!" Ash laughed, eating his own. "They're meant for pokemon... and one time I ate one meant for fire types, it made me breathe fire!" He added, chuckling at the memory. Shynia grinned. Ash didn't even suspect that she wasn't a human! This was great!

"Ash used flamethrower!" Shynia joked, laughing too. "Thank you so much for all this, by the way." She thanked him.

"No problem! I'll do anything for my friends!" Ash replied, still laughing. Wait... did Shynia hear that right? Ash just called her... a... a friend? Maybe... maybe she DID have a chance after all! And he DEFINITELY seems like a great friend... Shynia would have to trust him. She couldn't possibly miss out on an opportunity to actually make a true friend! But... was she being too overtrusting? Shynia remembered what happened with Katrina. She'd still have to be careful, and prepare herself for anything that might happen. She had an instinct that Ash was different though... 

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