part two

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I remember I would always feel that soft pressure against my leg, I had worn shorts for jeans since it wasn't that windy and I wanted to feel more of it. What would it be?

I felt the soft sensation again, and something hairy like when I would have patted our pet dog, Larry. But this was smaller, slick and tail slimmer, nuzzling against my legs.

It wasn't sticky, spiky or prickly. It wasn't a bird.

It isn't like a wolf nor a dog since they would right out bark or growl at people, a thing I learnt since hearing Nat Geo.

And also, they would have that dog smell.

this... things, is slick with padded fluff


I'M GOING TO DIE WITHOUT EVEN SEEING WHAT OR WHO IS GOING TO KILL ME — okay dramaticness aside, I still don't know.


I heard it, a small delicate noise that would make me picture adorableness in my mind, I slightly remember that sound.

It can't kill me. It sounded so innocent and cute, but if it's a trick..

'Meow?' I said cautiously.

'meow.' was all it said.

A rush of wind came beside me and a thump then I think the same thing rubbed against my hand, I was startled but held my hand lowly to feel it.

It rubbed against my palm, really soft and warm also has a slight vibration, letting out a soft sound.

What is this?

I tried to remember what it is, what animal it is but then it faded, I couldn't feel it anymore as I wave my hand around, something thumped again followed by a sound of the silence before the mysterious creature came.

'Where are you meow?' I asked. 'Oh are you gone now?' I frowned. 'Well see you.. hopefully.'

I lowered my voice, disappointed to be left alone again. Darn, I hope it wasn't my imagination.

It was nice. I could still feel its softness against my palm. I wanted to feel it again but my wrist watch beeped telling me it was time to go now.

I sighed as I solemnly waited for Albert, my butler, to pick me up.

'See you again.'

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