14 | Who is it?

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Red and blue lights created by the ambulance and police lights, lit up the outside of the small houses in the neighborhood flickering rhythmically, slowly getting less intense because of the firsts rays of the rising sun.
Zak was sitting on the back of ambulance, legs dangling out of the vehicle, starting blankly at the ground while two paramedics were checking his wounds without actually medicating them.
In the meanwhile, beside the police car, Darryl was getting interrogated by one of the two officers, since the actual victim wasn't able to speak because of the huge shock he suffered from, in the meanwhile the other police man was inside the house.

"So, you hit him." repeated the policeman frowning while bringing his pen against his lips. "With a baseball bat."

"Yes, I had to," replied, fidgeting with the zipper of his jacket. "or he would've..." his voice faded away, refusing to conclude the sentence.

"Mh, understood. Well," the tall man sighed, looking at the ambulance where the paramedics just finished checking out Zak. "we have to bring you and Zak at the police station still, for obvious reasons like record the witnesses, get photos of his bruises, etcetera." explained, clicking close the pen he was holding.

Darryl nodded sadly, completely overwhelmed from the surreal situation.

What was going to happen?
Will Zak mental state get worse after that?
Will his little muffin move away sooner than planned?

For some unknown and strange reason, he just wanted to wrap Zak in his arms and feel the pleasant warmth of his body against his, and get cradled by his sweet scent that never failed to make him feel... safe. And loved. Hug him and never let go.
That's all he wanted to do.

"You can go to your friend, now." said the policeman, making Darryl snap back to reality. "We'll bring Mr. Carder directly at the police station and then get back picking Zak up. You can get some rest and come there in the late morning." concluded putting the small block he was writing on away in his pants' pocket, about to turn towards the car.

"Wait, can I come with Zak?" asked Darryl, not wanting to let the little boy alone.

"Uh," he looked back at him, frowning once again. "sure, you can."

"Thank you, officer." dismissed himself relieved, walking to Zak right after the policeman closed the car door.

The short boy was still staring at one undefined point towards him, still trying to process what happened.
Darryl's heart ached, the same desire he was feeling minutes earlier got stronger, pressing against his chest.

"Hey, little muffin..." greeted tilting his head towards Zak after sitting beside him. "Are you feeling a little better?" asked, carefully caressing his back.

Zak slowly shook his head, lowering his eyes down at the stains of dry blood on his clothes. He was still shaking, not only for the shock, but also for that unusual cold morning.
Worried for the short boy's condition, Darryl took off his jacket, wrapping Zak in it, hoping it would somehow comfort him.
He winced at every movement the older boy took, but surprisingly, he still leaned his head on Darryl's shoulder, getting wrapped by his arm in exchange.

"It's going to be okay..." the blonde boy reassured, pulling him closer and carefully laying his head on his. "I promise."

"I have no idea how to thank you..." whispered silently, wrapping himself better in Darryl's jacket.

"You don't have to, really..." said, giving him a small kiss on his head. "There's no way they won't arrest him now, everything his against him. I'm so relieved it's almost over, little muffin..." continued, passing his hand in his black messy hair.

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