Chapter One

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"Hello, my name is Springtrap, what's yours?"

I had been travelling with them for a few weeks now, they seemed to be fascinated by a battle they barely remembered. The one who looked like me turned out to be called Chanda, she was Springtrap's CrossBreed daughter. From what I was told no one could remember her mother which confused me but I didn't question it because when I did Springtrap would snap and grow angry, being unable to remember the one you loved must hurt him. Looking around I noticed the large golden bear recently known to me as Golden Freddy was pacing about, from other stories I had been told there were two evil beings out to drain the world of its power. Standing up I walked over to him which caused him to stop, he gave me a kind smile which I returned happily.

"What's up Marionette?" He questioned with a curious tone, I shrugged and looked down.

"You looked lonely so I thought I would keep you company," I offered, he chuckled softly and we both sat down on the edge of the riverbank.

"How are you enjoying being with us?" He sighed as we relaxed in the sun, in all honesty I didn't mind the company aside from the occasional fight or two.

"I don't mind it, for the longest time I've only had Nightmarione to talk to, she has been such a big help in these times," I explained with a smile, hearing the name of my closest friend he looked at me with curious eyes.

"Who is this Nightmarione you speak of, you speak an awful lot of her but we have never seen her," he pressed further, I thought about how to explain it carefully.

"Well whenever I am lonely she talks to me, when I woke up with no memories she was there to comfort me, I'm not sure exactly where she is but she speaks to me through a mind bond or whatever she calls it," I giggled happily, I loved to talk to others about her even if I hadn't seen her yet.

"She sounds like a good friend, anyways let us enjoy today, tomorrow we have to move incase Ashton finds us," Golden Freddy mumbled half to himself, I nodded before getting a mischievous idea. Jumping into the river I allowed the cool water to lift me back to the surface, giggling I splashed water towards Golden Freddy who pretended to be shocked and offended before he returned my splash by lifting me from the water with his "magic" as he called it and brought me closer to him with an amused face.

"Awwww," I whined in defeat, this earned a chuckle from him and a few others as he placed me down and we headed back to camp. I'm not sure who I was in the past but these guys helped me forget my questions and focus on the tasks at hand, with a happy sigh I looked around at all my new friends and I felt at peace to see how happy they were.

"I wish I could meet them," Nightmarione sighed in the back of my mind, I felt bad that she didn't have a physical body of her own.

"You can meet them one day Nightmarione, I'm sure we can figure out how to get you a physical body one day," I giggled hopefully, thankfully no one had been listening because almost no one knew of Nightmarione aside from Golden Freddy and myself. Looking around I began to help with whatever I could, being as thin as I was I had a hard time with most heavy things but my fingers acted like knives which helped me cut down tree branches for a fire. We didn't need warmth it was just something pretty to look at and admire despite the smoke it caused which stunk and burned my eyes on occasion, sometimes I would watch Chanda make the flames dance and she tried to teach me how to do it once or twice but I didn't have power like she did so it never worked no matter how much I wanted it to.

"Hey Marionette want to come with me on a walk?" Chanda offered, I nodded vigorously as I followed after her rather quickly. I stood easily at her height but I preferred not to as it usually led to being smacked in the face by a branch, without realising it I walked straight into a tree without noticing.

"OOF!" I grunted as I fell backwards, Chanda looked at me for a moment before we both broke out laughing at my spacing out.

"You alright there Marionette?" She giggled, I nodded despite my face hurting a little.

"Yeah just got lost in thought haha!" I giggled, we continued on our way through the forest and enjoyed the sights and smells of nature. It had been a while since I had taken a break from wanting to prove myself to everyone else that I wasn't fragile or weak, soon enough we came to an overlook of the valley which stunned me.

"I like to come here to think, I might not remember who created my soul but I know she used to bring me here, it's a good place to think," Chanda huffed as we sat down, I felt bad for her as she was one of the first to trust me and my first proper friend within the group.

"I don't remember anything aside from waking up next to that riverbank, when you guys found me I think I had only just gotten used to the silence aside from talking to myself," I chuckled sadly, I hated hiding Nightmarione but I didn't fully trust others yet and letting it slip to Golden Freddy had been an accident. We sat there in silence as we watched the sun slowly set, once it began to grow dark we stood.

"Let's get back before the others worry," Chanda offered, I nodded as we turned and headed back towards camp.

Book 3 has started and this chapter was a pain to write lmao, I wanted to try something a little different with this book, some of you who have read my original series might remember something similar happening there that happens later in this book just with a few tweaks, anyways onto the next chapter!

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