Chapter Five

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The closer I got the worse the burning got, finally I stood meters away before they dared speak.

"Marionette!?" Came the shock voice of Chanda, I looked over them furious at their attempts to attack Nightmare while we had been gone.

"Care to explain what you guys are doing here!?" I snarled furiously, this caused them all to go silent.

"The real question is what are YOU doing with the ones that are trying to kill us!?" Freddy snapped back, I looked back at Ashton who gave a slight nod and I took a step forwards.

"Chanda showed me a cave to hide in when the twisted ones were following us but to my surprise she abandoned me! After that Ashton came to me and told me of the twisted ones intentions to help free me from your hands, I honestly see more truth behind their words than I ever did yours! Never once was I taught to defend myself, never once were any of you there for me when I was alone and scared! Not a damn moment I spent with you counted to how much I know now!" I roared angrily, the tension in the room had grown to the point one wrong move would send it into a burning mess. Slight movement caught my eye and I noticed Shadow Freddy and Golden Freddy slowly summoning their powers as Chanda stood behind them shocked and confused, the moment they launched their attack I let the burning feeling overcome me causing a flash of blinding light. After the light died down I noticed I looked different, I had pointed ribs sticking out of my sides, I now had sharp and dangerous teeth, my fingers had grown sharper and I stood far taller than before.

"Let me help," Nightmarione chuckled, with a screech I lunged at the startled group. Springtrap was the first one to dodge but Golden Freddy hadn't been so lucky, pinning him against the wall I stared into his terrified eyes.

"YOU DARE ATTACK ME YOU FOOLISH IDIOT!?" I hissed furiously, one wrong move was all it would take for his soul to be mine.

"Marionette let him go! They have twisted your mind with lies!" Chanda pleaded, I turned my head slightly and let out a glitched chuckle.

"I am not Marionette dear one, I am Nightmarione!" Nightmarione chuckled, I could feel her anger burning and so with a little help from my own new found powers she launched tendrils from her back pinning every last one of them against the walls of the room.

"Marionette calm down!" Golden Freddy choked out, I could feel Nightmarione wondering what to do.

"Why should we calm down when you attacked us first!?" Nightmarione snarled, the room fell silent as we let them drop to the ground before Nightmarione allowed me to take control again. I was about to speak when I felt a searing pain run through my shoulder as something sharp was driven through it, spinning around I knocked whoever had attacked me away as I examined my wound.

"SPRINGTRAP WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!?" Chanda screeched, for some reason I didn't care what was going on around me. Holding a hand to my injured shoulder I allowed the burning feeling to flow into the wound sealing it completely, this caused silence again as we all stood still watching each other's movements. My eyes eventually trailed to Ashton and Nightmare who were being guarded by the twisted ones, slowly pieces began to fall into place. Both sides had treated me nicely and one side left me to die, I had only been with Ashton and Nightmare for a small while but if it meant getting Nightmarione her own body I would have to betray my old friends anyways.

"Every last one of you needs to give me a reason not to tear you apart!" I snarled, to my surprise it was Nightmare who spoke first.

"My dear, you have been with us for only a small while, your trust in Ashton and I is dependent on you, trust us or not we have shown you how to fight and given you a place to stay which in turn led to you discovering your powers, had we not done so, you wouldn't know what you are capable of," Nightmare stated, his words rang true and so with this I looked at the others.

"We Found you alone by that riverbank, we could have easily just left you there alone, these guys are trying to manipulate you to twist you on their side, we didn't teach you to fight because it would only end up with you and everyone else getting hurt, please Mari, see your true friends intentions," Chanda seemed to plea, I narrowed my eyes at her words.

"You twist your words and your mind speaks others, from what I hear you all fear what my powers could be, you disgust me, Nightmare and Ashton have shown me more in two days than any of you have shown me in the weeks I've traveled with you," I spat, this caused Chanda to wince.

"We showed you kindness Marionette! We gave you a place to stay when you didn't even know who you were!" Chanda pleaded, for once I didn't know how to reply. Looking from gaze to gaze I felt myself grow dizzy, stepping back I shook my head trying to clear it.

"What do we do!?" I felt Nightmarione wail in my mind, looking around I felt my eyes land on Nightmare and Ashton who's expressions were unreadable. My soul felt like it was being torn in half, my confusion led to a rather stressful overload of energy which shot painful shockwaves throughout my body. Suppressing a screech I shook my head again, all off this was so confusing and all of it made so much sense but made no sense at the same time. Before I could even utter a word I felt my whole body convulse and pain shot through me once more, collapsing to the ground I found my gaze locking with Springtrap's as everyone charged for the other before everything went black.

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