Maybe Love Is A Dream

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To remember you would be like a dream
As I hide my gentleman desire for you
For my heart drifts off down the watery stream
Do I follow my heart and where it might lead me to?
Your eyes are the midnight sky
They welcome me like a warm breeze
Everytime I look into them they hug me with compassion
Your lips are like genuine silk
Rapping me in a comforting ease
Seeing you smile melts my frosted heart
You're smile shines into this dark soul
I fall in love your words of wisdom and guidance
You give me a sense of hope and value
But I must hide behind the smile
To bury my heart and soul under the hate
Now I feel my heart wanting to write your name in the starry night
Feeling your fragrance flood my senses
Talking to you gets difficult when I am scattered minded
When all I think about is your mysterious personality
You are like a treasure buried
You wait eagerly awaiting to be discovered
Hoping someone would notice you for you
Not just your figure
I see your soul under your weary smile
The sadness buried underneath the white teeth
You are a somebody to me
A diamond in the rough black coal
A treasure worth keeping not to sell
Why must I hide this from you
I feel it wanting to escape from my throat
Telling you my darkest part of me
I just want know you and to love your heart
But you'll reject me like everyone else
I'm not like everyone else
I see into the light of your eyes and soul
You're laugh is beautiful and true
It makes me smile and blush
Because every part of you is real
I just wish this was real
Maybe it is and I've been hurt too many times to realise it...
I just wished you'd notice me...
They say I don't know love
But I do...I just never felt it....
Love is the sacrifice of everything and anything you know.
Everything you hold close giving it up to the one you want to spend the rest of your life with.
Giving all of yourself until death do you apart.
Fixing your brokenness with my brokenness making it into a whole. Becoming one in soul, mind, and heart. Lifting each other up to succeed.
Showing care and compassion unconditionally.
Being there in the end no matter how many miles you have to walk.
No matter how many nails, thorns, and fire you have to walk on.
You will be there until the end.
Seeing past the ugliest parts of their life and making a beautiful future.
Falling in love is easy...
Staying in love now that's the hard part.....
Because after its said and done
And all over we will be able to say
"We made it"...
This is love....
But maybe love is a Dream

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