Gotta get dosh

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Joel woke up at 9am he was late to his new job at MacDonald's he was a ronald MacDonald joel left his trashy flat he couldnt afford shoes so using his moldy sticky feet he climbed down the building got on a bus he arrived at MacDonald's he looked around it was quiet he opend the door finn was there
Finns face lit up *hi joel san joel smiled and said ok im ready  to work joel got told he got 2p a hour
He was happy finn lead him to the back were he did paper work and got his costume after dressing up as ronald MacDonald the wig stunk of chips and the out fit was greasy joel worked a day everyone was scared of him joel got his 10p for working 5 hours he treat his family to a 7p tesco pack of apples they ate them all up joel woke up early the following day so he could wake up and do 10 hours he loved every hour he only got hit by 10 burgers what a win he thought joel used his 20p to buy a shopping trolley to use as a car joel decided to get a job as a binman the ended

Joel woke up at 9am he was late to his new job at MacDonald's he was a ronald MacDonald joel left his trashy flat he couldnt afford shoes so using his moldy sticky feet he climbed down the building got on a bus he arrived at MacDonald's he looked ...

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2019 ⏰

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