5 Danger is sweet

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Song for the mood: Sweet Child O' Mine (Guns N' Roses), covered by Jasmine Thompson.


December 1.

I hated being late. I even believed that being on time was bordering lateness.

Yeah, I'm a stickler when it comes to tardiness—it's a habit I inherited from Frances, my mother, who ran a tight schedule with Vera and myself when we were growing up.

This time, it was me who was behind schedule by seven bloody minutes, thanks to a student from my Roman History tutorial class who trapped me in the hallway, asking a myriad of pointless questions about the Second Punic War.

I remarked that she was weeks behind, and she was going to fail if she didn't move on to Caligula.

I was late for a Friday afternoon catch-up with Vera at Calligraphy, the university's book café, where the novels were classics, the ambiance was chilled, and the coffee was good.

Once I arrived at the café, I spotted Vera at a table by the window with Sapphire, the pretty blue-eyed girl who was at my mother's place a few weeks ago.

Sapphire. Behind her glasses, her eyes were like the precious gemstone that was a derivative name of the Latin word for blue—sapphirus.

I walked over to Vera, took the chair beside her, and sat down, gazing at Sapphire.

"Hey, long time no see," Miss Blue Eyes initiated the conversation.

"Saph, this is my brother, Julian," Vera introduced us.

"Yeah, we already met." I threw a smug smile.

"He and I ran into each other in the living room at your place a few weeks ago. You were in the shower," Saph confirmed.

"Oh. As usual, I'm the last to find out." Vera cast a sardonic grin.

"Because it's all a big conspiracy, and the universe is out to get you," I poked Vera in jest.

"Jules, you're a jerk, but I love you." Vera laughed.

"What are you working on? Some project?" I leaned over and glanced at the laptop screen.

Ah, a dating site.

The URL form read: www.matchmade.com/profile/sapphire-blake.

The web page featured an advertising banner, and Sapphire's profile was right under it.

Name: Sapphire Blake.
Height: five feet and seven inches.
Hair: long, chestnut-brown.
Eyes: blue.
Likes: music, books, dancing in the rain on a hot summer day.
Personality: introvert, hard worker, open-minded.
Dislikes: gossip, Mondays, and exams.
Favorite quote: Live life, be free.
Star sign: Virgo.

"So you're a Virgo. That means you're born in September, which is the month of your birthstone and namesake, Sapphire," I commented.

"No shit, Sherlock," Saph replied, grabbing a carrot stick from a snack bowl on the table.

Smartass. She had sass, which I admired in a woman.

"I'm helping Saph to create a profile on this dating website. She came out of a long-term relationship a few months ago, and it's time for her to try something new," Vera explained.

"I do not feel like doing this," Saph complained, releasing an exasperated groan.

"Get back on that horse again," Vera badgered, eliciting a laugh from Saph.

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