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We were setting our final camp before the climb, at the edge of the woods in the shadow of the Wall, when Jon approached me

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We were setting our final camp before the climb, at the edge of the woods in the shadow of the Wall, when Jon approached me. 

"So... you and Tormund?" He said, and I could hear the disdain in his voice. I huffed, and stood from where I had been crouching to hammer the post holding the tent in place, into the frozen ground. When I was at my full height, I turned to face the baby Crow, a - probably very unattractive - scowl across my face.

"For now." I simply said, moving onto the next post, but I could hear his boots crunch the snow, so I knew he was following me. 

"What Crow?" I hissed, spinning to face him again, my hand on my sword, ready for anything. There wasn't anyone near us. We were at the backside of my tent, Orell was in the eyes of his eagle, Ygritte was gathering wood, Tormund was hunting, and I'm sure none of the men we brought with us would do anything quick enough to stop this boy from killing me if he wished. 

"Why do you hate me so much?" The baby Crow whispered, hurt painted across his face, but I found that it didn't affect me much. 

"You, Jon Snow, are a Crow. A bastard Crow, who is the son of some fancy Lord. You wanted to be important all your life. At least as important as your siblings. You were tired of being called what you are, a bastard. So, you joined the Night's Watch, expecting to be some hero who killed the Wildlings. But then you found out about the Wildling King, and the Night King, and the Army of the Dead. Well, you can't kill the Night King. Why not take out the Wildling King? That would at least get you put into the Wall's library, even if it wasn't enough to warrant everyone knowing your name, at least the Crows would know. I know your type... Jon Snow. You will do anything to be a hero. That's fine. Kill yourself trying to prove yourself. But I'll skin you alive if you lay one finger on Mance, or anyone else here." 

Jon didn't get the chance to say anything. Tormund had come back, carrying a large deer over his broad shoulders, and he had dropped it steps away from the fire. 

"Mara! Come help me clean this up! I'm starving, you wore me out!" I turned my eyes to lock with his, but I didn't see the teasing glint I normally saw with him, he was staring over in our direction, and most would think he was looking at me, but I could tell he was glaring at Jon Snow. He moved slightly, and his eyes locked with mine, changing slightly to show his worry. 

I didn't feed into it, I simply nodded, and made my way over to the deer, ready to help chop it up. 

"Crow, finish putting up our tent, don't want my beautiful new bedwarmer to freeze." Tormund growled, a hint of warning in his voice as he spoke to the boy behind me, hopefully he would hear the threat in Tormund's voice, and hopefully he wouldn't forget mine. 

The next morning I woke up naked again, once again filled with Tormund's length, his seed dripping down between us, but this morning I woke up laying on his chest. Legs splayed on either side of him, hands resting on his chest near my head, with both of his hands placed firmly on my ass. 

This morning I didn't move to let him escape, I had learned my lesson on that mistake, instead I moved to I was sitting on his chest, hands firmly gripping his chest, and I started to move my hips. 

It only took a fe moments for him to wake up, and when he did, his bright blue eyes flashed up to meet mine, and then with a mischevious smirk that mirrored mine, he tightened his grip on my ass, held me still above him, and snapped his hips up to meet mine, furiously working both of us to a quick finish. 

When we were both sated, once again I collapsed onto his chest, the end of his beard tickling the top of my head, and my entire body shook when he laughed. 

"That has to be the best way to wake up." He grumbled, palming my ass in his hands, pulling the cheeks apart, and letting them go so they would slap together, squeezing his cock each time he did. 

"We need to get up, the climb will be long, especially with how many people we have to get up this time." I mumbled, but I didn't move, waiting for him to decide if he had enough to last him until the next time we were able to set camp. 

"I suppose you're right. I swear your pussy is magic." Tormund whispered, moving his left hand away from my ass so he could run his fingers through my snow white hair, getting caught a few times on the braids I had put in them the morning before. 

"Stop screwing up my hair, or I'll make you fix it." I hissed jokingly, glaring down at him as I moved away from his hands, sitting up so I was straddling him once again, and then I stood up, not allowing him enough time to grab me and pull me back in. I took the few steps away from him to reach my clothes that had, once again, been discarded on the floor of the tent. 

"Can I?" Tormund said quietly from behind me, and when I turned to look at him, he was sitting up on his elbows, making his abdominal muscles flex beautifully, and his eyes, which had been firmly planted on my rear when I wasn't looking at him, snapped up to my face. 

"Can you what?" I asked as I slowly pulled my leather pants on, and then I turned to grab the soft woolen shirt that went under my leather tunic. 

"Can I fix your hair?" Tormund reiterated, and I heard rustling which I knew meant he had stood up when I turned around to look for my tunic. 

"I suppose, but if you make me look like an idiot Tormund Giantsbane..." I growled, bending over again to grab the tunic that I finally found under Tormund's pants, when suddenly he gripped my hips, pulled me flush against his cock, and bent over my back until he was pressed up against me, and he could reach my ear. 

"What would you do little warrior?" Tormund rumbled, and every nerve in my body lit on fire as he nibbled on my ear, and my hands reflexively grabbed his hands that was locked onto my wrist, trying to steady myself. 

"No..." I paused, gasping as he rutted into me, and moved from my ear to suck on my neck.

"No?" He growled, his teeth nipping against my skin and somehow pulled me even closer to him, though I don't know how that could be possible. 

"No sex." I hissed, not even trying to pull away. 

"Well... lucky me that I'm a good braider then." Tormund said with a chuckle, finally detaching himself from my neck as he straightened himself back up, leaving me bent over still pressed flush against his cock with his hands on my hips. 

I was still catching my breath when he finally pulled away, leaving me wanted more, he slapped my ass playfully and moved around me to get to his clothes. I sucked in a breath, and straightened up, my tunic clenched tightly in my fist, and my chest heaving as I tried to steady myself. 

"When you're dressed, sit down and I'll fix it." He mumbled, staring at me as he pulled his pants on. I could only nod, pulling my tunic on I started to work on the ties, and moved quickly to the furs, plopping down on my ass, before my knees could give out, and I waited. 

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