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I watched the Thenn warg as he stared at the sky, eyes white as milk

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I watched the Thenn warg as he stared at the sky, eyes white as milk. We were waiting, waiting for his report of what was happening so we would know what to do next. We needed our signal. The biggest fire the world had ever seen. 

We were sitting, all of us. Well, all of us that were left. 

"Did I ever tell you about her? My Sheila?" Tormund started, his large hand rubbing circles into my side from where he had me pulled under his heavy arm into the warm shelter of his cloak. I watched, amused, as Styr and Ygritte rolled their eyes. This wasn't an uncommon story back home, whenever Tormund noticed us losing hope, he would tell this story, brighten our minds a little. 

"Yes." Ygritte hissed, fletching another arrow and trying to ignore us all. 

"Oh, that was a night to remember. Of course, I'd had a good bit to drink, the fangs were sharp, but she knew how to use them. And she was nice and soft down below. No, she was no ordinary beast. Many's the man who -" Ygritte cut him off, throwing down the last arrow she had made, snapping it in the process but she didn't even seem to notice. 

"I know you never fucked a bear. You know you never fucked a bear. Right now I don't wanna think about the bear you never fucked. RIght now all I want to think about is each one of these arrows finding its way into a Crow's heart." I rolled my eyes, shoving Tormund's arm off so I could stand up and snatch away the broken arrow and toss it into the waning fire to use as kindling. 

"Well then how bout you go sit somewhere else huh? We could be waiting here a while and I don't wanna hear your whining mouth the whole time we wait. Just make some more arrows yeah?" I hissed, shoving some more twigs her way for her to use. She rolled her eyes but picked one of them up, and started to sharpen the end with her knife. 

"The longer we wait, the more arrows I'll have. It was different when they came up here, to our land, and put up a big wall and said it was their's. Then they started hunting us down. But this time, we're the one's doing the hunting." I rolled my eyes, and retreated back to the welcoming arms of the big red-headed man at my side as Styr turned his attention to the girl. 

"You've got a lot to say about killing. Even more words than arrows." Styr said with a smirk, glancing down at the, admittedly large pile of arrows she had accumulated. 

"Back in those villages I killed just as many of them as you did. More, I reckon." She growled, her face flushing red in anger as she tried not to snap yet another arrow. 

"Yes. But none of those were your Crow lover." Styr shot back, and I couldn't help the chuckle that slipped past my lips, and didn't regret it, not even when I saw the hurt look on Ygritte's face, or received a sharp pinch in my side by Tormund. 

"I probably killed him already." She mumbled, turning back to her arrows. 

"No, you didn't and you know it." I hissed, crossing my arms over my chest as she shot her glare at me, moving away from the large bald Thenn that was glaring at her from her other side. 

"Even if I didn't. When we get to Castle Black, the only thing left of him is gonna be his fun-bits hanging around me neck." She hissed, glaring at me hatefully. 

"And more words. Know what I think you do when you see him? Serve him up a nice juicy slice of ginger minge." Styr snarked, a 'come-at-me' smirk on his face which, along with the laughter of all the men around us (including me), made her launch herself at him, knife raised. 

She reached him before anyone could react, but when she pressed her knife to his neck, he raised his hand and his men stilled. 

"What, you been thinkin' about that ginger minge? Wondering what it tastes like?" Ygritte growled, pushing on his neck so hard with her knife that small beads of blood began to drip down his neck, making tracks. 

"Maybe I have." He whispered, that same smug smirk, still plastered on his face. Ygritte snarled, an ugly look on her, and pulled back, turning in a circle to make sure everyone was watching her. 

"Jon Snow is mine." She shouted, standing up on the log she had been sitting on so she could be seen by everyone. 

"Anyone else tries to kill him, I'll have an arrow for them." She yelled again, before turning her full attention to Styr. 

"And not one of your bald friends is fast enough to stop me." She hissed. And that is when I stood up, using one swift move to ram my fist into the back of her knee, making her drop to the ground in a heap at my feet. 

I leaned over her, my blonde braids falling down around us like a curtain, shielding us from the prying eyes of the Thenns and my men. 

"No. They aren't. But I am. And you threaten another one of my men again and I'll slit your throat. You're a good archer Ygritte, but you aren't more important than any one of us, and the only one making orders around here is me. And if I see fit to skin the Crow alive, you better damn well be sure no one, especially not some scrawny, heart-broken whore is gonna stop me." 

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