Chapter 17

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Ava's POV
I'm so happy Ian's moving into the house right next door to mine!!! Plus he walked me home yesterday which
was so sweet of him! I'm gonna text Clara cause I hate fighting especially over something as stupid as talking too much about R5. Text covo
A-Ava C-Clara
A-Hey Clara I'm really sorry
C-Me 2
C-😭 do u forgive me
A-Yeah Cause we're Besties and Besties shouldn't fight
C- You seriously talk about R5 all the time!!!
A-I'll try and talk bout them less
C- So besties again?
A- besties again!
Yay me and Clara are Besties again I'm gonna call Ian
I-Ian A-Ava
I- hey babe
I- so why'd you call?
A-cause I have great news
I- what's the news?
A-me and Clara are Besties again
I-that's great
A- I know
I-hey could you go with me too the FroYo shop at 7???
A- yeah sure anything for you
I-great babe see ya there
A-see ya
Yay a date with *happy sigh* Ian
My crush since the 4th grade.
Ian's POV
*happy sigh* a date with my crush since the 4th grade the girl who I'm. Proud to call my girlfriend!
What should I wear?
I'm gonna ask my sister!

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