chapter 23/24 part 3

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*Ryes P.O.V*(Theres alot of P.O.V changes in this chapter)
KE:Listen to me Rye
KE:Just hear me out
KE:Brook and I wernt DOING anything okay.
R:So what I saw wanst happening
KE:Oh no it did happen but it didnt mean anything
R:So half was true half wasnt
R:Kenzie Im so sorry
KE:Stop saying that I should be sorry
R:But what were you actually doing
KE:I can't say without Brook here Rye im sorry but I-
R:You like him dont you
KE:Well its -
R:You do dont you
KE:Ryan let me talk
R:Then go ahead
KE:You can't I mean Well-

KE:I dont I like you but it wasnt anything like you all think.
R:So you wernt having sex
KE:Oh hell no
R:Then what were you doing

KE:He kissed me Rye I didnt kiss him back
R:Do you like him
KE:As a friend I do
R:Kenzie im sorry
KE:Its okay Rye
R:Lets go home

*Jackies P.O.V*
Brook kissed Kenzie but Kenzie didnt kiss back.Lea upset but doesnt really show it
I completely agree with her being upset but she never told Brook how she felt.

*Kenzie P.O.V*
Rye and I were laying on grass talking about everything.

R:I have to tell you something
KE:Go ahead
R:I like you like more than a friend
KE:Rye I do to
R:Will you be my girlfriend
KE:Yes I will

Rye hugs me and I hug back.Im dating the boy of my dreams.Im so happy

A/N:This is bad But this is for MackenzieMannigan so here ya go girly.Anyways i hope your day/afternoon/night is going great.-Jackie

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