Chapter 27

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*Third Person*
Its been a couple of days since everything happened.Lea and Kim went back home to America.Mikey went back home because he was just visiting.Everything has been quiet.There no laughs, There no crying, Just dead silent no one knows what to say or how to react.

R:Guys we can't keep doing this
KE:Doing what
R:Were we all just sit here not doing anything.We've been MIA ever since it happened.
JM:What's there to talk about.
JD:Guys this isnt good for any of us.Were not doing anything.The fans a getting worried.
SO:What can we do
E:First you can go talk to Jackie who has been in her room this whole time
S:*knocks on Jackie door*Jackie
JE:Come in
S:Hey Jackie
JE:Oh its you..What do you want
S:I know okay I know I messed up.I'm sorry
JE:Yeah you did mess up
S:I'm -
JE:But we can just be friends for now.Nothing more nothing less okay
JE:*Gets up*
S:Were are you going
JE:To the living room were everyone is.
*Couple hours later*
*Kenzies P.O.V*
JD:Lets watch a movie
Everyone agreed
I was cuddled up with rye in one of his hoodies cause I'm cold.Emma and Andy are cuddling.Jade and Jack.
Sonny and Jackie are next to eactother but arnt doing anything.

All of a sudden there was a the door.And Brook went to answer.He just stood there staring at who ever it was behind that door.

BR:What are you doing here
He sounded upset but also kinda happy at the same time.

We all looked at eacother wondering who it could be.When they walked right in.

We were all shocked and had no clue what to say or what to do.
KE:How did you get here
JE:How did you find up
JM:What's happening
E:and why are you here

A/N Who's at the door why is everyone shocked??You may bever know... This chapter as short sorry but, I'm back sorry for being so inactive after everything that happened with the GC I'm in to things happening in my family.I haven't been wirting as much.Anyways hope you are having a nice Day/Afternoon/Night.-Jackie

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