Chapter 1

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A demon is an evil spirit,a false God, some one of a certain energy, anything with malevolent.

Several years ago,A demon came across, most people knew how he came but couldn't say anything about it, most people brought the rumour that the demon came because of the evil deeds of people in the town.

There was "A man",he was lonely
never had a friend or family, most people stayed away from him saying he was weird because "the man"loved magic alot and he performs weird rituals.

"The man" became so lonely that he drove himself  to the world of darkness,  he practiced different kinds of rituals, he went deep into the world of darkness,  that he couldn't  go out until he brought the demon.

"The man"performed great rituals to bring the demon to the world,thinking the demon will be his friend, the demon at first  was nice,but when the man eventually knew the intention of the demon, he tried to end him but he couldn't.

"The man" began to be afraid of what will happen, he didn't know what to do, he began research,it took him time, but he found the solution. He found a priest that can end the demon, it took months for the man to find the priest, he was suprise that the demon didn't kill anyone, little did he know that the demon was busy getting himself powerful.

The priest told him that the demon can't  be killed because the demon is too powerful, but the demon can only be trapped,  and they need to sacrifice a soul, a soul that was clean to capture him. "The man"didn't know what to do, eventually he found a lady to sacrifice, he lied to her and made her marry him, he married a woman from another town because everyone in his town knew about his wrong doings so no one was ready to give him his daughter.

According to the ritual they must sacrifice someone close to "the man", "the man" didn't have any family but by marrying Emily he sure found a family. Emily's soul was pure and that was needed, eventually he made Emily give her soul to the demon.

The demon was trapped in a casket,  in "the man" house, and people around there were warned to stay away from that house.
The priest said if the demon manages to get out from his casket, mankind will be at stake, humans will be killed, demons will rule the world.

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