chapter 3

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"Hey good morning Leo",
"Morning,what are you making"
"Bacon,egg and toasted bread"
"Can't wait to eat"he said excitedly. 
"Leo guess what", I quickly told him.
"You know am not good at guessing ,just tell me he demanded.
"Okay okay well Bella is coming back today".
He didn't say anything,maybe he wasn't interested at all,I felt disappointed until he spoke.

"Forget  Bella, I found something that might be important for your book". "I  found an article it was quite old,when I was cleaning the study,I found it, I think you need to look at it".

Before I could say anything Dad came in, interrupting  our conversation.

"What are you talking about",he said through his teeth, he looked angry.

"Not....Notting Dad"
"Well Leo I need to talk to you follow me upstairs, and Elenore get ready, I will come take you to school".

Before I could say anything,he left.

I almost felt caught,I wondered what will happen, if  dad found out am writing a book and
researching on demons, am sure he is going to kill me.

I wondered what he is telling Leo
What are they talking about.
Leo come back soon.

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