'changing' a bad guy

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i really hate this man

whenever someone decides to make a fic on someone like Damon, Klaus, Kol, Kai, or Katherine Pierce, they always seem to want the OC to be this angel on their shoulder inspiring them to be better.

and i get it, morally if you were dating them you should want them to be, but this isn't real life, its a fic, and i also hate changing a character for who they are meant to be

and i get it, morally if you were dating them you should want them to be, but this isn't real life, its a fic, and i also hate changing a character for who they are meant to be

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Damon is a complex character. He's a bad guy in season one and ultimately progresses onto anti-hero in season 2 onto just an asshole that loves Elena so he'll do anything to protect her in season 3, and her loved ones because it's what she wants. But just because he got the girl in season 4 does not mean that he's a good guy, he's still selfish and arrogant and can be cruel,

don't forget that.

if you want to write a fic on any of these characters, my advice is rather than making a normal OC, make them weird, make them just as crazy, just as cruel, those are the interesting ones

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if you want to write a fic on any of these characters, my advice is rather than making a normal OC, make them weird, make them just as crazy, just as cruel, those are the interesting ones.

For example:

Kai is attracted to chaos and power we know that, so just make an OC that is the embodiment of that
(and by power, dont' overpower the OC, just a regular amount of power, make them powerful in their personalities, people who know who they are and what they want)

For whoever wrote the fics on Kai where he abuses his love interest, either mentally, emotionally or physically, just stop. Romanticizing abuse should not exist in the first place. Also, we have no clear evidence that Kai would do that to a significant other since we've never seen him with a significant other (Bonnie doesn't count guys).

And second, Kai is a sociopath, he has no emotions to love someone, he killed the taxi guy for fun, if he had enough money for a new wardrobe a dang galaxy phone, he had enough to pay taxi fare, he killed five of his siblings (Jo was pregnant and it was her wedding day) and wanted to kill Josie and Lizzie as children, probably still does

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