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The clock ticked away on the ivory wall, making every second that goes by dry and tedious. Small cracks in the painted ceiling, I've counted ninety-two of them. Sounds of nothing but soft breathing, the clock of course and my slow beating heart; I am bored to tears. I'm gonna be honest, I don't want to be here. He does.

I don't even know why I'm here. But he does apparently. We've seemed to survive these last few years, what makes this one any different?

Patiently tapping my foot, I glanced over at him. He stared down at his fingers somewhat too tired to look up. Tired.

That seems to be the theme of this relationship.

"This is taking forever."

"We're not gonna be the only couple she sees." He muttered.

I sighed in response.

His warm palm suddenly rested on my thigh, my eyes met his. "Everything's going to be okay, babe."

"Keep telling yourself that," I scoffed.

He leaned back in his seat, "We made a commitment. You promised me something, Ray."

"And what was that?"

He put the back of his left hand up to my face. A sudden glow in my eyes, "This. This Rayan. You promised. Don't make me regret saying yes."

"Well, don't make me regret giving it to you."

"I have done nothing wrong. Like for real, Ray Ray?" He started to speak a little louder now. Please don't let this turn into a shouting match.

"I'm just being fair. What, I can fuck up but you can't?"

Irritably running his hands through his fro, he let out a exhausted groan. "I never said that. Always assuming shit."

"No I don't--"

"Yes you do."



"No I don't--"


"Are serious right now, man? Like you wanna start this right here, right now?"

"Well it's not like we're here to pick got damn flowers which by the way, you never buy me anymore!"

"Nigga, I have to work! Ain't nobody got time to be buying flowers!"

And that's how it starts. He says something, then I'll say something back and we always end up back at square one. Where nothing ever gets resolved, where one person stays mad at the other person.

It's just...just not healthy.

I love him.

He loves me. ( Hopefully)

But how much of this "love" can I take?


Hey y'all :)

So if you haven't guessed this is the sequel to 'Just the way you are'.

I really miss writing about Prince and Ray, they're cute together

I'm gonna try to be more active, but high school is no joke and plus I've been sick so my apologies

Buuuuuttttt my winter break starts Friday so I'll be updating by then too


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