15. A plan

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Tony's point of view

After the mission I went in my lab. Working always helped me to calm down. And sometimes after those missions I needed calming down, because parts of alien ships were remembering me of New York over and over again. Suddenly I heard somebody came into the room. I turned around to see Bucky. 

˝How' s Steve?˝ I asked. ˝Asleep,˝ he replied, putting his non-metal arm around my shoulders. This remembered me of another thing I had to think about. The truth is, I'm not sure that I love Bucky and Steve only like friends and that is driving me crazy. 

The thing is that when I met Bucky I wanted to kill him - well, I had plenty of reason for this - and even when I forgave him for killing my parents I still hated him. I thought that he's a rude, selfish, violent person, but after spending some time together I realised how caring he actually is. It's not just the way he cares about the Steve, it also in the way he jumps in front of other Avengers to prevent them from getting hurt and in the way he comforted me when I had that panic attack in Steve's room. It's in the way he make sure I'm fine after every mission. And not just that. I love how he hugs me. I love when his hair brush against my cheek. I love how he smiles and how he makes me laugh. I love how he tries to learn new things every time he has a chance. I love how he talkes in Russian with Nat and Wanda, making them happy. I think I really love him.

But I also love Steve as much. I love how he takes the lead on missions. I love how he tries to be strong when we need him. He is willing to gave all he has for team and that's something I would be never able to. I love the way he laughes and how he teases me. I get butterflies in my stomach everytime he leans or cuddles against me when he's not feeling well. I love how he wakes me up with a coffee, when I fall asleep after a movie night. I love how he pretends to be angry when I call him names. And god, I really love his skin-tight uniform. Well, more like what's inside, if you follow. 

Then somebody shook me and I snapped out my trought. 

˝Stark? You okay?˝ Bucky asked me with his concerned voice. ˝You didn't hear me the first three times I asked you if you want to watch a movie when Steve wakes up.˝ I nodded and looked at him. That was when I got a great idea. 

˝Just thinking. Bucky, can I ask you something?˝ Bucky nodded, slightly confused. ˝Go on.˝

˝Are you and Steve just friend or is there something more going on?˝ Bucky blushed. 

˝I, I think we are just friends. Why?˝ he asked, blushing. 

˝But would you date him if he ever asks you?˝ I continued. He blushed a bit more. God, he is so adorable when he's blushing. He avoided my gaze.

˝Yes,˝ he finnaly answered. 

˝Okay, I just wanted to know.˝ I answered, then gestured to the door. ˝I'll go to take a shover, then meet you in Steve's room.˝ Bucky nodded and I left the room. In my room, I give Jarvis a job to do and then I took a shover.

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