27. Little sweetheart

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Bucky's point of view

Me and Tony stood in the hallway waiting for the doctor to call us in. Nat and Sam came here a while ago to ask us how Steve is doing and we explained the whole situation to them. I was really worried. Back in my time in was common that either women or baby or even both died if there were any complications during birth. Stark had a hard time assuring me that the medicine is way better now. He said that is very unlikely that person dies while giving birth. After some time that felt like hours, nurse finnaly came out the room and gestured to us to come in. 

˝He is awake, but he might be a bit confused. It'll probbably take some days for him to completly recover from C-section, but othervise he's fine. The baby weights enough to survive without problems, but we'll keep her in an incubator for some weeks, because premature infants can't properly regular their body temperature and are also at higher risk of getting infections. She also has some troubles breathing on her own, but that'll be fixed in couple of days.˝ 

I didn't really understood what she was saying, but one word caught my attencion. She.

˝Did you say it's a girl?˝ I asked. Doctor nodded. I couldn't help but smile. We are having a daughter. A little princess. Or a little fighter. What ever she wants to be. 

Me and Tony entered the room. Steve looked at us, his gaze a little unfocused, but he recognized us imediately. 

˝Hi,˝ he greated weakly. Then he gestured to a little glass box next to his bed. ˝Look at her. She is so pretty, isn't she?˝ 

I turned to the box and frowned. Our little baby was lying inside, peacefully sleeping. There was a tinny tube in her nose. Stark looked over my shoulder.

˝This is an incubator. You probbably didn't have that back in the 40's. It'll keep her warm and protected. The tube helps her breath, but doctor said she'll  able to breath on her own in a week or so.˝  I nodded, worried. When I was young, baby wouldn't survive if it was born like this.

Suddenly kid opened her eyes and looked at me. She has Steve's eyes. Blue like the ocean. She moved her hand in a uncordinated gesture and placed it against the glass. She was still looking at me like she expects something.

I put my hand on the glass. Our hands were touching over the glass. Kid kept on looking at me for some more seconds, then yawned and closed her eyes again. 

At that moment I knew I will protect her with my life if neccessery.

˝She is the most beautiful baby in the whole word,˝ I whispered. ˝And she is ours to protect.˝

I felt how Tony brushed his thumb over my cheek and I realised I was crying. 

˝We will protect her, Bucky.˝ He said and then everybody stoped talking.

All three of us then spent hours there like this. Without talking, just holding our hands and staring at her.

At our little bundle of joy.

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