Date Night

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Naruto had got home and then started to get dressed for Sasuke, Sasuke did the same

Naruto starts to walk to Sasuke's house and then Sasuke walks to Naruto's house

They both run into each other then they both blushes

Naruto:H-hey Sasuke...

Sasuke:Hey Naruto...

They both kiss deeply

Naruto:So I wanted to see if you wanna go out...


They both hold hands then goes to a near waterfall,Naruto takes his clothes of then puts on swim Sasuke did the same,they both jump in the water

They both play around little then they got really close to each other then they start to make out again

They both take off there swim trunks they both grab each other dicks then Sasuke gets down sucks it then jumps on Naruto they he picks his dick in him

10 minutes later

Naruto and Sasuke then puts there clothes back on

Naruto:Sooo I guess I'll see you tomorrow


Naruto:Ok see you tomorrow...

Sasuke:see you tomorrow,love you

Naruto: love you too....

To Be Continued

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2019 ⏰

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