Chapter 3

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I was just getting off work and I was tired. I just did a 16 hour shift. Thank god i'm off tomorrow so I could relax. It was 9:30 pm and I really just wanted my bed.

I walked out the doctors office expecting my mom to be there but she wasn't. I was highly upset, I pulled out my phone dialing her number but it just rang. I dialed Omari's number and he didn't pick up either. I called Amir to see where he was and thank god he answered

" wassup Bri" he asked

" have you spoke to mom ? " I asked

" earlier why what happened "

" she was supposed to pick me up from work and she isn't answering the phone "

" um aight I'm going to have my boy pick you up I think he's at his moms crib by your job Bri, hold on" he said

Usually I probably would've declined the offer but I really wanted to just get home. Amir stayed on the phone with me until a black camero pulled up next to me. I knew it was Amir's friend because he told me the car he drove, he just didn't say what friend it was.

Once I was in the car and I shut the door I hung up on Amir.

" hey, thank you I could give you gas money if you want" I said not looking at who was driving. I was too busy putting my seatbelt on.

" it's cool" he said sounding mad or annoyed I looked over and it was ty

I rested my head back on the headrest and let him drive.

"I got to make a stop really quick" He said

" okay " I said as he pulled over

" are you hungry ?" He asked getting back into the car

" I mean I could eat, I'm just too tired to" I said

He nodded pulling up by the store

" what do you want ?"

After telling him what I wanted I tried to hand him my money but he looked at me as if I had two heads. He got out the car and walked in the store. He was looking real good he had on a Nike tech sweatsuit and balenciagas. Once he came back out he asked me for the address of the house and I gave it to him.

Once we pulled up I thanked him and got out the car, he waited for me to get inside before he dipped off. I sat my keys down on the counter and began to eat my sandwich. Once I was finished I took a shower and went to my room and fell asleep in my towel.

I woke up to music being played through the house, more than likely it was just my mom cleaning. This is what she did on sundays. I got up and walked to the bathroom that was next to my room and brushed my teeth and washed my face. I was still in my towel so I threw on shorts and a t shirt before heading to the living room.

I turned the music off and looked at my mom who was mopping. " where were you last night ?" I asked

" I was working" she said my mom is a correction officer.

" you was supposed to pick me up" I said

" I know I'm sorry" she said

" Mhmm I'm working late again today so I need you to look after Omari" she said

" when do you leave ?" I asked

" in an hour"

" Alright" I said going in the kitchen to make breakfast

Once it was all finished my mom grabbed a plate and took it with her. Omari was still sleeping so I put the remainder of the food in the microwave before cleaning up the mess I made. I walked over to my room and laid down on my bed before picking up my ringing phone

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