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It was a night. Not just any night. Two nights before your paper was due. This was no ordinary paper. It was a big paper. A REALLY big one. On top of that, you HAD to finish it tonight because the One Direction concert was tomorrow. There was no way you could finish it then. You typed in the last sentence then reached to press SAVE. But before anything saved, your laptop died, and all of your hard work was gone. You, being stupid, had not saved anything.

IT WAS 1 AM. You were sleep typing, but it actually worked to your advantage. You worked the best under pressure. But you were tired, and needed sleep.

IT WAS 2 AM. You finally finished your terrible paper that somehow shifted topics from global warming to unicorns. Go figure. But you had no time to spare. You hit PRINT. But as you hit print, a message came up, saying that you had no printer ink. NO PRINTER INK AT ALL. You were screwed.

Author's note- Your computer seems to really hate you.

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