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Just in case any of you don't understand the story.

Yeah I don't understand it myself either.


I'm sorry for having such a crappy ending....

I ran out of ideas yEE-

Okay so quick elaboration!!!!

-Reverse is a boy Ochobot met

-Ochobot gave him the elemental powers

-Went rogue, split and killed everyone

-Ochobot erased the elementals' memories and replaced them with fake ones, making them think that they're brothers.

-Solar found Ochobot

-Ochobot told him everything

-Solar gained his memories back and turned into Reverse Solar

-He kept Ocho in his room

-When Ochobot tried to escape, Thundyboo found him

-Told Thundyboo about Solar only, and not about their past

-Thundy wasn't happy enough so he decided to find out from Solar himself

-Managed to know that Sol's gonna kill him and his brothers to turn them into Reverse

-Killed Sol

-Ran away

-Came back

-Murdered himself

-Quake realised his siblings were turning into Reverse so he killed them :D

-Finally kills himself

-Ochobot took their powers and inside his power place where he stores all the powers, the elementals fuse back together and...

Reverse is back!

-When Ochobot met Boboiboy, gave him his elemental powers, thinking that Reverse is dead

-YeEhAw bIsH yOu WrOnG dAdDy LiVeS

-And now Reverse is waiting for the day he gets to go out and say hi to le universe OwO

I know it makes no sense.

But note!

This happened before Ochobot met Boboiboy and his friends, so their powers are still there.

Also do power spheres have mind scapes?


yEEt bye thanks for reading my crappy story!!! UwU

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