welcome to PHOENIX

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I was finally accepted in,it was my first day at Phoenix academy of magical beings,I'm kinda nervous ,I heard that I you pass the entrance magic exam ,you would be set home imediatly , With my mother being  Naira guardian of waters,she was one of the 6 guardian magis who helped defeat Zemond-Lord of shadows,the last and most powerful of his kind,,the story of how they defeated him traveled through the 7 realms ,the 7 realms joined together and formed the circle of light,in the middle stood one of the last remaining Vox from the 9th realm ,the directed their powers to him and he gave everything he had at Zemond to the point where his mask was shattered into a billion pieces,the blast was strong enough to seal Zemond away , after that the realms dispanded  ,only to be rejoined with the return of Zemond,the realm of the Vox became hidden once again only to be seen in times of need,I remember the story so we'll , mom used to read it to me every night.

I was nervous to go to Phoenix because so much was expected of me, I took a deep breath and waited patiently for the bus to arrive,then suddenly it flew to the ground landing very close to me ,the doors opened and I saw a goblin at the wheel,he seemed slightly excited,I got in
and saw 6 beds,4 of them where occupied,I saw a red head  boy ,he had red eyes and a necklace with the emblem of the 4th realm
The realm of fire,he was probably the son of Zachaier guardian magi of fire, next to him was a raven haired boy with forest green eyes,he seemed to be sharping a piece of metal,he had a necklace with the emblem of the 6th realm,he was probably the son of Norox, guardian magi of metal,on the left side of the red headed boy there was a blonde boy lying on his back with his eyes closed,he had the emblem of the 2nd realm ,the realm of lightning,he was probably the son of , Marlene guardian magi of lightning ,I looked at the other side of the bus and saw a girl with raven black hair and neon green eyes,she was sitting crossed leg on the bed ,she had a necklace with the emblem of the 3rd realm ,she was probably the daughter of Macara guardian Magi of earth,I felt as if a wave of nerves rush over me ,I scanned the bus and walked to the bed next to the daughter of Macara,I sat down on the edge of the bed,I felt a little bit uneasy, until the Ravennette tapped me on the shoulder,
I jumped a little bit and she raised an eyebrow
"Ayy, sorry didn't mean startle you, names Buttercup, daughter of Macara"
She put out her arm, and smiled softly,her smile was almost Invisible but it was there,
I smiled brightly at her
"I'm Bubbles , daughter of Naira"
"Nice to meet you Bubbles,so do you know who's gonna be taking that other bed?"
"Nope maybe it will be ,Eris's daughter"
She scrunched up her face
"Hope not, the realm of wood is filled to the brim, with snotty brats and Princess is no better"
"Wait you've gone to other realms?"
"No , only that realm,and trust me I hates every second of it"
I giggled slightly as she made a weird face,she was funny I like that.

I noticed the bus was entering and empty void,I thought we were going to past it when suddenly we stopped, everyone popped up in confusion,the bus door opened and a gush of wind wrenched pass us,the empty void started to tear slightly,I was able to get a small glimpse of grass,green luxurious grass,I heard what I would want to describe as footsteps ,but the steps were hollow ,as if the person was stepping on the floor but barely touching the earth, suddenly a girl appeared,she had long orange red hair, sorta like the son of Zachaier,but slightly lighter,I couldn't see her face because it was hidden by a hoodie covering half her face and a...... white mask with designs on it, only leaving her eyes uncovered ,they were a magenta pink, and she walked out of the tear in the void and it started to mend it's self quickly,she walked towards the bus and got in,all eyes were on her chest ,she has a necklace with a emblem of the....... 9th realm,the realm of the .....Vox,she reached for her mask and pulled it away slowly as if she was unsure it was the right thing to do,she's scanned the bus , landing each time on out necklaces,she closed her eyes as if she was listening to something or someone,she grinned slightly ,it being hardly visible and walked towards the empty bed at the end of the bus, looking carefully at our necklaces,as if she was looking for someone, someone who she was sent to find ,or someone she feared to see.
The bus began to move again ,and like lightning we where at a large gate ,the gate had the emblem for Phoenix Academy on it,I took a deep breath and let a stream of air escape my lips, I felt as if reality had punched me in the face,it hit me like a atomic boom,I was now going to start my journey to becoming a guardian, Every one seemes nervous even the son of Zachaier, expect for the Vox, she seemed calm ,as if she wasn't worried about getting in ,more like she had her mind on something else,we went out of the bus to find the hall of  matramoany , where we had to make a commitment to the school,no matter what the cost,I looked around to see other people from the realms of fire,earth,metal, lightning, wood,water and wind ,they didn't wear necklaces,more like they wore the colours.I guess there really one Vox  left,or maybe two,

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