Why are you here?

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I watched her walk away her red hair was litgher than mine but definitely longer,why was she here , I mean she controlled every element of the 8 realms,but she's here, at a school of people who can barely convert their power,I was knocked out of my daze , when Butch knocked me on the shoulder ,I was ready to burn his face off but I realized he was handing me my dorm assignment,so maybe I won't burn his face off just yet,I saw it said room 786 west wing, Butch was looking over my shoulder , his breath hitting my face,I might burn his face , just might
"Woah dude we got the same room,me ,you and Boomer, this is gonna be awesome ,we can stay up late and play truth or dare, it's gonna be awesome"
"How old are you ?"
"17,and growing"
He pulled a guy with blonde hair and blue eyes ,by his collar
"Sorry man, this is Brick"
"Oh you mean our other roommate?"
I rolled my eyes
"Yeah Sherlock , unless you know of any other guy named Brick"
"Yep , your right he is cranky"
I rolled my eyes and started walking towards the doors,Boomer followed and Butch was busy flirting with some girls from the metal realm ,he saw we were leaving and yelled,
"Hey wait up"
And ran after us
We arrived at our dorm and opened the door , each door had out emblems on it,I walked into my room and fell onto the bed,then suddenly I felt something in my mind something usual,but good ,like a light,and quite voice said my full name
Brick Burn Fire,no one knew that name besides dad
"What are you and what do you want to!?"
I couldn't feel my voice,but rather hear it in my head
"Calm down,I'm not here to hurt you, I Blossom Vox, daughter of Ceres , guardian of the realm of the Vox"
"You?!, what do you want !?"
"You do have a flame in you,it burns strong but you don't have full control"
"What are you talking about!?"
"Meet me in the garden of Eden, tommorow as early as possible"
",And why would you do that?!"
"Because ,you know ,I'm here for a reason and it's not to learn"
Suddenly the feeling disappeared,I could feel my voice again,I could feel the feeling brush away,I heard Butch yelled
"What the sirex was that!"
I walked out my door to find , Butch shaking Boomer sick,I sighed
"Butch,drop it,drop it!"
I he groaned and let go of Boomer
"Good Butch,so what happened"
"ShewaslikeButchTitaniumMetalandiwaslikehuhthenshesaidihaveweirdstancewhichis kinda hurtful"
"Woah woah slow down,she who and whoever that is ,is right your stance is bad"
", Yeah , yeah,I hurt your emotions,who is she"
"You know, your sarcasim is not appreciated"
"Ok,I'm sorry ......so who is she?"
He turned on his heels and crossed his arms
"I don't wanna tell"
"Your really childish ,are you sure your 17"
"Just tell me!!!"
"Ok ok,geez, cool down dude, ...the Vox ,she said she wants to meet me at the garden of Eden"
"You too"
Boomer was still dizzy,but he tried to form a sentence
"Yez mez toz"
I ran my fingers through my hair , hopefully a
thinking maybe I'd receive the answer,to the question,why was she here,I was interrupted by Boomers hungry ramble
"I'm hungry"
I let out a sigh
"Then , go eat!!"
"Eat what?"
"What food,I don't eat normal food"
"Then what do you eat"
"Lightning bolt casserole"
"Then make it!!!Geez you guys are like freaking 5 year olds!!"
I shuffled my way back to my room, and flopped on my bed,then I heard a loud knock on my door,I groaned slightly and went to open it and I was nearly met by Butch's fist
"What the heck!?'
"Sorry Dude,me and Boom are going to the cafeteria you coming, it's not like you got anything else to do"
"Oh come on it will be fun"
"Pretty please with,fire sprinkles on top"
"Urgh, fine"
"You see there is a little softie deep,deep deep down in there"
"No, there's not!!"
"Aweww look his defensive , your gonna make a great big bro"
He grabbed me by my arm and pulled me out the room

When we got cafeteria it looked pretty typical,food for all 7 element's, red,dark green.light green,blue,silver, purple and yellow, girls and boys walking and talking to each other,Boomer went to the lightning section and came back with , some casserole or plate if lightning,
"Finally food"
"Are you always this hungry?"
"No , sometimes I'm starving"
He looked down at his plate and licked his lips, before devouring it mercilessly,I rolled my eyes again and walked towards the desk Butch was sitting at,he greeted me with a toothy grin,he patted the seat next to him,I huffed and sat across from him,he lightly chuckled
"Your gonna love me one day , Brickie like it or not"
Boomer arrived at the table with what looked like another plate of food, and sat himself next to me
"Butch, that sounded really creepy"
"Really,I was going for persistent,oh well I'll work on it"
Suddenly the room went quite,I looked towards the door and saw ,those girls , Buttercup, Bubbles and the Vox,I remember her name is Blossom,she still had her hoodie on, covering most of her hair ,but her mask was off and her necklace was slightly visible, they walked to a desk near us and sat down,they started talking to each other,then Buttercup growled
"I don't understand a thing your saying Bubs"
"I'm saying how do you know it's us,I can barely control a liter of water how am I gonna do that"
I heard a small ,yet strong voice,
"I'm here for a reason and I know what I feel,my head tells me it's you,not your mother, you"
A course voice ,it had hints of feminine in it and a bit high,
"So your telling me that you ,went into my head and talked to me in my mind so the shadow wouldn't find you or us because we are the last hope of the 7 realms, hahaha you've got to be kidding me"
"I don't kid about armagedon "
They went on and on,the water one , Bubbles sounded unsure,the earth one , Buttercup sounded in disbelief and the Vox she had a calm face on,but her eyes were closed,she always has her eyes closed,why is that,

Finally the day ended ,as I flopped on my bed and rested my head on my hands,I stared at my ceiling, finally my eyes forced shut and I was taken away

Guys please comment on the book so far ,I don't know if ,this is a good book, please and vote, please, Please,
Tell me if I should continue this book or not

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2019 ⏰

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