fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me

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"You're going to leave just like that?" Chuuya's voice rises, his eyebrows furrowing as he glares at his partner.

"Yes," Dazai says with his legs crossed.

Chuuya has no idea why Dazai thought it would be a good idea to tell him that he was leaving the Port Mafia for good; maybe it was to spite Chuuya, knowing the fact that he won't be able to leak the real reason why Dazai left due to his trust in his partner.

"You're going to leave Kouyou and Mori and Hirotsu and your other colleagues just because your friend died?!" Chuuya fumes.

Dazai casts his eyes downward. "They're already dead to me."

Chuuya's hands clench into fists, rage bubbling beneath his skin.

"They were the ones who took you in, who became your family! And you're going to leave them for your own selfish desires?!"


Chuuya grits his teeth as he raises his fist and swings it into Dazai's cheek, making the man jolt backward, his head snapping to the side.

"It's always yes, yes, yes! Can't you say something other than that you piece of shit?!"

Dazai's cheek is red, but he stays silent, his head tilted to the side.

"Say something you bastard! You-"

"I'm leaving tonight," Dazai drawls out his words.

Chuuya's heart leaps into his throat, and his breath stops short.



Chuuya swallows thickly, and his breaths become labored as he takes deeper breaths.

He doesn't want Dazai to leave. He doesn't want to lose the only person he can rely on. He doesn't want Dazai to fucking leave him behind as that selfish bastard turns a new page in his life while Chuuya's stuck in between the lines of his own.

His eyes catch Dazai's for a split second, and then he knows. He knows that Dazai's not lying, that he will be gone the next morning, vanished without a trace and only Chuuya will have known where he'd gone.

"You're really leaving tonight then..." he wills his voice steady, unclenching and clenching his fists.


"Then I'm already dead to you, aren't I?"


He's expected the answer to be yes, but he isn't prepared for the emotional blow that hits him in the chest like a wrecking ball.

"Leave." Chuuya points to the door, his eyes narrowed into slits. "LEAVE!"

Dazai gets up without a sound, picking up his jacket discarded on the floor before he shuts the door behind him with a click.

He doesn't even say goodbye.


Dazai's come back.

Mori's offered the role of Mafia Executive, and to everyone's surprise, he accepted without a word.

Chuuya knows it's too good to be true. Dazai would never leave something he was dedicated to, nor turn his back on it.

He should be overjoyed, euphoric even at the least when Mori tells him that his partner had secured a position in the Port Mafia again and that Double Black will be reunited.

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