Chapter 1

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So im Amazu im 15 and my life as normal teenage was NORMAL im going in high school my best friend is Lilith how iconic right we both have names after someone big Lilith was first women on earth it wasnt Eva it was Lilith and She was firts from five satans wifes and Amazu is demon of night. We are friend from high school but we know we will be friend for ever. But everything changed after day when he came to school whit his friends and start talk to me. It was day 8.9. 1982 ( year when IT was awake) i remeber that day like it was yesterday. Maybe becose it was it doesnt matter. He and his loser club came and he start talking i don't know what he talked about becose he talked fast but after he end me and Lilith start laughing so hard and they look at us like are you ok? So we calm Down and ask him what he said and he need to say it one more time becose we dont understand him. We dont like loser club they were really loser and they were bulying by Henry Bowers . But back to them i think Richie was taking becose he was only one in party who had glasses and in our school he is called trashmount too becose he can't stop talking when he need to. Richie start talking slowly and he said if we dont want to come whit them in Lada they want to know us. We were quiet and then at same time i looked at Lilith and Lilith at me it was look like yeah we can maybe . Maybe they are not that bad . So she said we Can and then they left.

Hi guys this is new book whit my best friend Gracie her profile is AuThOr10101 She is doing this book whit me . 🖤

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