C H A P T E R 28 : The Bloody Massacre

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11:00 p.m.

Aug, 8th, 2013

     Dressed in all black and regretting the fact that I even agreed to do this. I kept repeating myself, “Why I even agreed to do this?” Yeah, yeah, yeah; call me selfish, but all in all sometimes you gotta’ do what you gotta’ do, and in my case “surviving” is what it’s called.

“So when are we gonna; do this?” Casha asked as we staked out Joey’s sister place.

“Whenever your brothers call and give me the word.” I told her.

“Well they ass needa’ hurry up, bitches got shit to do,” Casha stated.

“Bitch sit the fuck down you ain’t got shit to do.” Zion spat.

“No correction hoe, you ain’t got shit to do.” she argued back as she got all up in Zion’s face.

“Get the fuck out my face!” she yelled.

“Or what?” Casha taunted.

“Ain’t you gon’ stop them?” Diamond asked from the backseat.

“Hell no,” I told her.

     I rolled my eyes at them and then refocused my attention back to outside the car. I knew all too well about fighting in the Love family. This is just how they got down and showed their love for each other.

“You was scared as hell,” Zion joked.

“I wasn’t scared.” Casha assured.

“Yeah right, whatever.”  Zion spat. “So Angel how far long are you?”

      Angel turned back half way and then answered, “Just three weeks.”

“Oh.” was all Zion said.

    I looked back to see the look on Zion’s face. I found it funny how when she found out I was pregnant, but when it came to Angel it’s as if she didn’t give a fuck.

    Time passed by as we sat in the car waiting. This is not how I planned on spending my Thursday night, and I’m pissed that he didn’t inform us that he was doing it so quickly. On the other hand I could see why he chose it. The traffic was practically dead, and there were barley any witnesses.

   The feeling of impatientness was running wild between the four of us. “What the fuck is up?” I questioned out loud.

“I don’t know, but this waiting shit is starting to become dead.” Diamond concluded.

“Just chill it’s too early.” Zion told us.

   What had gotten into her ass? She was just wild, and now she had a clam demeanor. I couldn’t blame it on her ass being use to this shit because she always worked behind the scenes, dealing with the money.

    I rested my head back on the head rest, and closed my eyes.  I cleared my mind for the moment. Thinking back to my current situation I placed my hand on my stomach and smiled. As I continued to think pain came across. “How could you do this?” I questioned myself. I opened my eyes because the answers that followed after that question were far worse.

    Disturbing the peace within the car was the ringtone of Zion’s phone. I turned back and watched as she unlocked it, a few seconds later, she handed me the phone, and I read the text message from Darien. “About time,” I exclaimed as I handed it back.

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