Chapter 19-Nonplussed

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Nonplussed- (of a person) surprised and confused so much that they are unsure how to react, confused, bewildered, puzzled, perplexed, baffled, stumped, mystified, stupefied, muddled, befuddled, dumbfounded.

Sarah's POV

Sarah: Are you sure?

Carl: (on the phone) Yes baby I got it over here. The kids are fine they are at school they ate breakfast I took care of everything.

Sarah: What about Rocky? Was he reluctant to get up? Was Amber having a fit about having her hair combed?

Carl: I told you everything is fine. I don't know what you been doing but they were great with me this morning.

Sarah: Okay smart-ass.

Carl: (Laughs) Baby I was just joking, enjoy your vacation.

Sarah: It's not a vacation we are working girls, signing books to our new lovely fans.

Carl: Hmm is the hotel nice?

Sarah: The hotel is amazing and Philadelphia is just beautiful, we should make a family visit.

Carl: We could one day.

Sarah: And the beds are a godsend but I'm just waiting for Melinda to get out of the bathroom so we can go and also we have been invited to attend Essence next year.

Carl: Oh Wow you always wanted to go there.

Sarah: I do. I'm about to go so we won't be late.

Carl: Ok.

Sarah: I'll call you later.

Carl: Alright bye.

(Sarah hangs up the phone)

Sarah: Melinda, are you okay in there?

(Melinda comes out of the bathroom)

Melinda: Yeah I'm fine.

Sarah: What were you doing? You were in there for so long I was starting to get worried.

Melinda: Oh no girl I'm fine you know how it is trying to get this face beat.

Sarah: You're right and ooh I love that eyeliner girl.

Melinda: Thank you now come on so we won't be late.

Melinda's POV

Oh my gosh I was completely lying to Sarah and I hate lying but I didn't want to alarm her because I did not want to leave and cancel on my fans just because I was feeling sick every morning with these weird cramps and my breasts are sore, this is so weird but Melinda, you will make it girl just do this book signing thing, meet some fans, and then I can go to the doctor.

Robert's POV

Deja: I have to admit dinner was great.

Robert: See I told you.

Deja: The food was so poppin'.

Robert: Look it's that ice cream place I was telling you about it's so good.

Deja: Ok see now you just trying to make me fat.

Robert: What no I'm not-

(Diana appears)

Aw damn!

Diana: Well, well, well.

Robert: What are you doing here?

Diana: What the hell are you doing here?

Robert: You should go home.

Diana: What's going on, huh? Who is this ho?

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