chapter eleven

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The sight of Bonnie Gold standing in her bedroom was one that Florence could get used to.

Charlie was startled awake at the sound of the front door opening, his lips turned down in a sort of frown that made Florence's heart melt. As quietly as she could despite nobody being around to hear them, she lead Bonnie into her room, where she beelined straight for a confused Charlie.

"Relax, now," she chastised as she scooped him up from her bed, holding him on her hip as he eased up, eyeing Bonnie suspiciously. "See? He's alright."

Florence was vividly aware that she was in nothing but her silk night gown, her feet bare against the hardwood floors. She blushed at the thought of Bonnie Gold seeing her so vulnerable.

Bonnie carefully approached the two, waiting to see if Charlie had any objections about his proximity. When he remained impassive, Bonnie poked his finger into his ribs, making the toddler giggle.

"Hello, Charlie," Bonnie greeted, grinning as Charlie wrapped his small fingers around his larger pointer finger. "My name's Bonnie Gold. It's a pleasure to meet you, sir."

Charlie stuck Bonnie's finger in his mouth and bit down.

"Ouch," Bonnie complained, though it really hadn't hurt at all—Charlie's pearly whites were practically brand new. "You've got some strong teeth there, Charlie. Like a horse."

"Like an 'orse!" Charlie repeated back excitedly, still gnawing on Bonnie's knuckle.

Florence could only smile as she watched the interaction, something warm pooling in the pit of her stomach as she saw how well the two interacted.

Charlie giggled around Bonnie's finger. "'Hank 'ou."

Florence carried Charlie to the bed, laying him against the pillows and covering him up with the blankets, taking a seat on the edge of the bed. Bonnie leaned against the wall as he watched quietly.

"Charlie, you don't tell daddy about this, okay?" Charlie nodded, his eyes wide as his sister hovered above him. "This is our little secret."

"Okay," Charlie mumbled out, getting comfortable in the bed. "G'night, sister."

"Goodnight, Charlie boy," she whispered back, leaning down to press a kiss to his forehead. "I love you."

Standing to her feed, Florence joined Bonnie at his place at the window, where he had moved to while she was putting Charlie to bed. Bonnie wrapped an arm around her waist, drawing her in close and positioning her in front of him, so that she was looking up at the sky full of stars through the window.

"I wanted to watch the stars with you," Bonnie whispered, his lips at Florence's ear, her back pressed to his chest, his arms wound around her. "I was in my flat, lookin' at them, then I decided they weren't worth watching without you beside me."

"Now here you are," Florence said quietly, tipping her head back till it hit his shoulder, her eyes peering up at him. "And you've got me exactly where you want me."

Bonnie gave her a crooked grin as he leaned in closer. "Mhm," he hummed, noses brushing. "Exactly where I want you."

This time, when they kissed, it went smoother. Florence was held securely against him, her neck twisting to land the kiss proper against his mouth, her tongue hesitant in the way it prodded against his.

It was smoother, but still hesitant. They weren't quite sure what to do next when they pulled back for breath, dark eyes peering into steely blue.

"Can I keep kissing you?" Bonnie asked breathlessly as Florence twisted herself in his arms so that they were chest-to-chest, her back digging into the sill.

Florence didn't answer, instead she braced a hand against his chest and kissed him hard. His arm went around her waist, holding her snugly against him as a hand cupped her cheek, cooling her feverish skin.

"You're as red as a fucking apple," Bonnie laughed, the breath stolen from his lungs as he snickered, his nose pressing to Florence's temple as he kissed her burning cheek. "Make you blush, don't I, pretty girl?"

Florence scoffed, dropping her head so that her forehead rested against his shoulder, her breathing heavy as she collected herself. "You're one to fucking talk, Bonnie. Just as red as I am, you are."

Bonnie laughed, noses brushing again as Florence lifted her head, his fingers dancing through the black curls of her hair as he tucked the unruly strands behind her ear, cupping her face. His eyes flickered down to her lips again before he cleared his throat.

"I came to show you the stars," he said, placing his hands on Florences's hips and turning her around, hugging her close again once they were facing the same way. "So let's see the fucking stars."

Bonnie's hands ran down Florence's arms, picking up one of her dainty hands and lifting it in the air. "That one, there?" He traced a stream of stars with Florence's pointer finger until she saw the pattern. "Dad says that ones called the Dipper. And that one there is the Little Dipper. Do you see it?"

If she was going to be honest, she did not. But Florence wasn't about to let Bonnie know that. "Oh yes, very pretty."

"You don't see a thing, do you?"


There was Bonnie's twinkling laughter in her ear again. Florence cuddled into his arms contentedly.

For the next hour and a half, Bonnie and Florence stood at her bedroom window and looked at the shapes in the stars, time slipping their minds completely until Florence began nodding off against Bonnie's chest.

"I should get going," Bonnie whispered, nudging Florence gently as her eyes fluttered shut. "Before your father comes home and skins me alive."

"Mhm," Florence hummed, pulling back and looking up at him, rubbing the exhaustion from her eyes. "Maybe we could hide you in the closet 'til morning."

"And then how would I get out without him seeing me?" Bonnie asked, raising a brow and fighting off a laugh at Florence's thinking face.

"Yeah, I guess your right," she said finally, sighing dejectedly. "C'mon, I'll walk you out."

Carefully, as to not wake up Charlie, Florence lead Bonnie down the stairs to the front door, unlocking it and opening it for him. Florence peered up at him shyly, half-hiding behind the door. Bonnie rubbed a hand through his hair as he blushed.

"I'm training at Maine's gym tomorrow," Bonnie said finally, rocking back on his heels. It was almost funny how shy they were now. "You should come visit."

Florence bit her lip. "Maybe I will, then."

Then she leaned up on her tip toes, pressing her lips to Bonnie's in a sweet kiss, refraining from touching him in case all rational thought escaped her completely.

"Goodnight, Florence Shelby," Bonnie whispered, kissing her once more before taking a step back, a stupid sweet blush on his face.

"Goodnight, Bonnie Gold," Florence whispered back, wishing she could take his hand and draw him back in. "I'll see you tomorrow."

And see him tomorrow, she would.

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