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  Song above is for a certain time I'll say when just to tell you though, while picking from Two Steps From Hell songs this is the first to send shivers down my whole body while playing the first scene of my story out, hint it is a running and emotional scene different from Underworld.
With that this is GodAnubis now enjoy the story!
(Narrator pov){I'm a narrator in my opinion yes I write it but I write it as if all this is a memory}

  As the clouds roll through the sky as the night settles over us we come to a spot in the middle of a dense forest. The shades of night cast shadows as flames of torches from a town nearby dance in an tantalizing way.

We turn as a figure of about 5'5 walks by and chases the shadows away. The figure steps into the light to reveal a boy of about 10, but you wouldn't tell from his looks and height. He airs an aura that makes grown men quiver beneath his gaze.

  This boy happens to be Jason Eldric Moonshadow. An orphan who works as a bounty hunter.
The work pays but does not offer what he truly wants.

A Home.

That is all he has ever desired. He is to proud to ask though, for he as a leader should be able to help those in need.

As he is walking he begins reminiscing of the times in this town of  Forêt Lune (forest moon in French). His parents left him here, his father as a Lycan alpha didn't want his son to take his position, his mother left him in fear of his fathers retribution of her disobedience.
  Jason met his friends here Selene,Ashley, and Aqua. They all were unique friends Jason met Selene first as he ran into her and her parents in the market, who fed him as he was starving and had collapsed out of dehydration.
They offered a home to him, but alas he turned them down for he was a prideful bastard.
  Selene and him still played however and she and Jason confessed of the others species. As Jason was ready for the heartbreak of loosing his first friend, she squealed saying how cool he was. Jason looked at her in confusion.

  Jason "how can you say I'm cool? You're a vampire, I'm a Lycan aren't you scared."

  Selene "No!! How could you say that? Your so sweet I'd never fear you for no reason not for something you can't control."

  Jason hugs Selene, as she returns it he smells her, she blushed as he does so.

  Selene*blushing* "w-what w-w was that f-f f-f-for?

  Jason*realizes then blushes* "sorry force of habit. You know Instincts and what not"

  Next Jason met Ashley Francesca Lauren. This happened when her family was leaving their casino and bumped into him.

  Richard Lauren "WATCH WHER-"
*Freezes in fear*

  Helga Lauren "Richard dear what's wron" *also freezes in fear*

  Jason *growling voice* "can I help you?"

  Richard regains his bearing and acts tough.

  Richard "Move you filth- ACH
Helga "RICHARD!!"

  Jason "I'm sorry I didn't quite catch that can you repeat that please? Oh and and you might want to hurry you're looking quite like a shade royalty wears."

{For those who don't know it maybe 20th to 21st century but in Underworld it was still old traditional things that occurred like villages and angry mobs also known as angry people. But royalty wears purple and something else I forget I think blue but he is referring to purple}

  Helga "let him go you bas-
Helga *slightly crying*  y-y-you smacked me

Jason "I prefer the term put a bitch in her place"

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