Chapter Two

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I walk into the airport and say hi to my mom. She ignores me and starts to walk away. "About time you got here," she says. It only took five minutes, I think to myself. We get to the spot we are supposed to wait and sit down. "I'll be right back, I'm going to get coffee," I tell her. I head to Starbucks and get in line. When it's my turn I tell the barista, "Can I have a Mocha Crumble Grande, please?" and I give her the money. After a moment she hands me my drink and change. Then I walk back to my mom.
We board the plane and go separate ways. Surprisingly, the plane is fairly empty. I sit down alone and sip my drink. As we take off I start to drift off. I fall asleep staring at the Starbucks logo.

* Three months ago*

I sit down at a small, two-person table, holding my Mocha. I look out of the window and see the parking lot. I notice a familiar Silver Mustang. No, it can't be, I think to myself. But it is. I look closer and see two people making out in the front seat. Then I notice one of them is my boyfriend. I feel my heart drop and my eyes start to well up. I trash my drink and storm out into the parking lot.
As I approach I feel my fist tighten. "Jake!" I yell at him. They break away quickly and he rolls down his window. "We were just, uh..." He stutters. "Whatever, save it!"I say. "I gave you a second chance and you just blew it like it was nothing!" I turn towards Angelica. "And you!" I say. "I thought you were my friend!" "Apparently you were just trying to get closer to him." I say. I look back at Jake. "We're over," I say as I start to walk away. I take one last glance and mutter "B*tch," under my breath.


I wake with a start. I look down at my hand and see my Starbucks drink crushed from clenching my hand so hard because of my flashback/dream. At least it's empty, I think I myself.the announcement bell inside the plane dings. " One hour until arrival in Los Angeles."
I think back to the memories I've had with Angelica. We've been best friends since preschool. All those good times, secrets, surprises, heartbreaks, all down the drain.
I remember when someone was bullying her for months. She had acted like it was nothing. One time I was there when he was being a jerk and trying to get in a fight. It turned into a big argument. He threw a punch at me and as soon as he threw it he was on the ground. They called the police because they couldn't get me off of him. He broke his nose, had two black eyes, dislocated his shoulder, and there was blood everywhere. I got suspended for a few weeks. No one bothered us again.
I sigh. Even though it was months ago she betrayed me, it still feels like a stab in the gut.
We descend at the airport in Los Angeles. I get off the plane and head to the shuttle. My mom takes a limo to the hotel. We separate so no will guess I'm her daughter. But will still get connecting rooms. I head to my hotel room to settle in. I read a book for awhile and then go to sleep.

A Change in the WindTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang