Chapter Three

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A.N. This is her makeup for today.

I wake suddenly to a loud banging on the door. My eyes snap open and I quickly glance around. I clamp my hand over my mouth to muffle a scream because I don't know where I am. Then I realize I'm in the hotel room. "Get up and get ready!" My mom screams at me. "Geez!" I mutter. I check my phone for the weather and realize its going to be warm today. I jump in the shower and get dressed. I put on jean short-shorts with white lace pockets. I slip on sparkly Ked's and a faded light blue razor back tank top. I put my hair into a messy bun with my side bangs pinned back with a bobby pin. I brush my teeth. I slide on clear gloss and silver eyeliner. Then a few swipes of mascara. I put my makeup in my zip-up bag and sit it on the counter. I grab my leather rucksack and head out of the hotel.
I walk to the car rental place and rent a bright orange Mustang. I drive to a café and order French toast with coffee. My mom texts me. "Where are you?" "I'm at the café down the street," I respond. "K," she says. I decide to go to the mall. I throw away my trash and head towards the mall.
When I get there I walk around, exploring the outlets. I walk into the ladies section of an outlet and I see a cute dress. I decide to buy it. It's a hot pink and white sparkly dress that goes down to my knees. It comes with a pretty diamond necklace. I pick my size and go to the cash register. I pay and then head to the dressing room. I try it on and a sales lady tells me I look gorgeous. I thank her and change back into my clothes. I walk out of the outlet holding my dress without a plastic bag over it.
As soon as I take a step out of the entrance I run straight into a really hot guy holding a coffee. It spills all over me, my new $250 dress and stains it. "Oh my gosh! I'm soo sorry!" The guy says. I stare at my dress in shock. "Let me help you." He grabs my hand sending sparks throughout me and I take a sharp breathe in. He leads me outside and I shiver because its getting cold. I climb into his car. We reach a very expensive apartment and he stops.
He leads me up to his room and opens the door. We walk in and he grabs a towel. I dry off and he races off to his closet. He comes back with a black sweatshirt that smells like him and his cologne. It smells amazing. "Go put this on. It's getting cold out and you need something dry." He points towards the bathroom. I change into it, breathing in the smell deeply and I walk back out. "It looks good on you," he says. "Thank you," I say with a smile. "So, what's your name?" He says. "Umm, Amber. What about you?" "Trey. Want some cocoa?" "Sure." I say. "I'm really sorry about your dress." "It's alright." He shows me the cocoa k-cups he has. I pick one and put it in the k-cup slot. He hands me my cocoa when it's ready and picks up his own. He brings it to his lips and sits it back down. We talk for about an hour.
We head back to the mall and he buys me a new dress. When we head to my car it's very cold and dark outside. My phone says 10:35 pm. I sit my dress in the back seat and start to take off his sweatshirt. "Keep it. I don't need it," he says. "Ok. Thanks for buying me a new dress." "No problem." He leans closer to me- so close that we share the same breath, and kisses me on the cheek. My eyes widen in shock and I freeze. Then he turns away as he says "Bye." I watch him as he walks away. "Bye," I whisper even though he's to far away to hear me.
I pull into the hotel's parking lot and head up to my room. I sit down on my bed and try to comprehend what happened today. My stomach starts to growl really loudly. I order pizza from the room service.
As I'm waiting for them to deliver the pizza I get changed into PJ's. I walk out of the bathroom carrying my clothes I just took off. I hear someone knock on the door. "Room Service!" A shrill voice says. I walk over to the door and look through the peep hole. It's a small lady in a maid uniform holding a pizza box. I open the door and smile sweetly at her. "Hello! Are you having a good evening?" I ask. "Yes, thank you. Did you order a cheese pizza with Dr. Pepper?" "Yes." "Alright, here you go. Have a good evening!" "Thank you. You to," I say closing the door. I eat my pizza and go to sleep.

How do you like the book so far? Tell me your opinion. If you have any tips for me please tell me. This is my first book... so yeah. Please follow, like or vote if you like the book. Tell others please!
-Ariel ;)

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