Scene 4

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For the next few days they were planning her revenge plan and were going to places that Jo went to. Finally, Nymph was going to talk to Jo. Nymph & Nini were at another private party for  another movie. “Hi! Its Jo isn't it? My name is Yu- I mean Nymph.

“Hi Nymph. You look very beautiful.”

“Um… thanks! Can i get your autograph?”

“Sure! Where should I sign?”

“Right here”, and then Nymph handed him a notepad. As he was signing Nymph was debating on whether to ask him if they could see him again. “Here you go.”


“Hey do you have any plans?” After a few minutes of talking they exchanged phone numbers and had a date. After they said goodbye Nymph ran to Nini and told her everything that had happened. “Thats great!”, exclaimed Nini, “Now our plan is in action!”. Over time, Nymph & Jo got closer and closer and eventually became boyfriend and girlfriend. Finally, Nymph would get her revenge

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