CHAPTER 5: Decision

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I took off my apron, feeling exhausted. It was noon which meant my Saturday shift at the Pizza palace was over and so was Tony's. I grabbed my bag and ran to the door of the restaurant eager to get out. The sun hit my face as I opened the door and stepped out.

"Wait for me!" Tony yelled and i did as told. While I waited for him, it gave me more time to think and clear my head. Yesterday was so unreal. I started to recall the events; my performance on the piano,everyone celebrating me and then Charles Brown offering me to study at Music and Arts Academy. That night when I got home, I had told my family about the scholarship and to say they were happy about it was an understatement. They were thrilled for me and decided that they would support me with any decision I make.

Now, on to my friends. Tony was super excited for me. He kept calling me the next Taylor Swift. No offence to Taylor but I would want to be my own person instead of being compared to someone.

As for Rachel, All she could think of was Jason King. Don't get me wrong; she was excited for me but the fact that I might be going to the same school with him made her thrilled. According to her, I'll meet him and we'll become friends and then I'll introduce him to my smoking hot friend(her words and not mine.) And they become friends, fall in love, get married and have 5 kids together. Again, her words and not mine.

As for Samantha, she was over the moon about it but what got me confused was that her excitement had died down the time we started walking home. Probably might be because she was tired but the fact that I didn't get any texts from her till now was weird.

I was interrupted from my thoughts when I heard the door to the restaurant close.

"What's up rock star? Or soon to be rock star? Is it rock star or pop star? Or I could call you singer, or musician, songstress..."

"Can we go now?" I asked, starting to get annoyed.

"Okay, okay let's get going."

We started heading home; actually to Tony's house.

" future Taylor Swift, do give me a call when you actually meet Taylor Swift will you?"

His celebrity crush is Taylor Swift. I know, really absurd.

"What makes you think I'll meet her?"

"Cause, you're going to that school in L.A and you'll become a star like you always wanted and then in the future, you and Taylor Swift are gonna do a song together. Easy as that."

"But I haven't even made a decision about going to that school. And why do you think I can't make it in the music industry without going to that school?"

"Geez Dani I never said that. Listen, we both know you're talented so of course anyone would want you. But we both know going to that school would make things a bit faster."

"But I can't just go okay? I have a life here. This is my home."

"I get that but opportunities like these don't come everyday. Remember that."

Tony was right. Opportunities like these are rare which means I have to be very careful of what I decide.

"You're right."

"Of course I am."

"You know you sound like you want me gone."

"I want you to live your dreams. And for the fact that you might be going to live in L.A, please don't remind me."

I smiled at him.

"Is that supposed to be a 'I'll miss you Dani' cause I'll miss you guys too. You've been my friends for as long as I can remember. I'd hate to leave."

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