CHAPTER 13: Gym Class

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Jk above 😍😍


I felt like a deflated balloon as I retreated to the bleachers with the rest of the girls. Grabbing my water bottle, I began gulping down the water nearly taking the whole thing at once.

It was Gym class for the whole of the 11th grade. We were out on the school's track field practicing together under the supervision of our coach Mrs. Gilbert. Take it from me, she was one hell of a coach. Right now, us girls were done racing. I wasn't one for sports so I performed fairly. We sat on the bleachers about to watch the boys race.

"Feeling better?" Vicky asked, sitting beside me on the bleachers with Bella on the other side of me.

Taking a deep breath, I replied.

"Yeah. Felt like my lungs were about to explode. And I thought sports at Carver High was too intense."

"Well what can I say? Mrs. Gilbert likes her students fit."

I sighed, taking a moment to close my eyes. The Chelsea jersey I wore was soaked with sweat. I haven't been given my jersey yet which was why I wore a different one compared with everybody. It made me feel a bit odd. Like the newbie sign was written all over me.

"Hey girls."

I snapped my eyes open and a smile creeps up my face.


"Mind if I sit here?" Sophie asks.

"Of course not. Join us." I replied to her and she takes a seat next to me.

"You know each other?" Bella asks curiously.

"Yeah. We met at Literature." I reply.

"We've been in a play together're Bella right?" Sophie asks.

"Yup. That's me."

"And you're..."

"Vicky. I'm Vicky."

"Nice to meet you both. I'm Sophie."

"Of course we know you. You're Jason's cousin and practically Miss. Perfect." Vicky says in admiration.

She wasn't wrong about that. Sophie looked like she was modelling for Vogue even with wearing the simple school jersey, and a messy bun that managed to look perfect on her head.

"Yeah some people don't know Jason and I are related, but we are. And I thought Miss. Perfect is supposed to be Eva?" Sophie asks.

"Oh no. Eva's actually Evil Queen Bee. Don't confuse the two."

We all laugh at Bella's statement and when we finally stopped, curiosity takes over me.

"Is Eva actually Jason's girlfriend?" I ask, facing the girls.

Vicky puts on a thinking face. "Not that I know of."

"They're not together. She's just obsessed with him, and the idea of them being a couple. He's told her they can't ever be a thing but she just can't back out." Sophie adds.

"Really?" I ask, finding this new info interesting.

"Yeah. What made you think they're together?" Bella asks.

"A friend of mine who is a fan of Jason saw this picture of them kissing and rumours started surfacing on the net that they're together."

"Like you said, rumours. They did kiss on the night of his birthday party but Jason was drunk. He had no idea what he was doing." Sophie confirms.

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