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Name: lisbeth
Last name: sky
Age: 17
Likes: seeing blood, silence, books, music, drawing
Dislikes: loud places, crowds, other people -sometimes-
Hobbies: reading, listening to music, drawing
Hair colour: raven colour
Eye colour: dark black -people bully her because how weird it is-
Skin tone: normal
Race: human
Height: a little bit same as James but a little shorter.
Weight: idk
Gender: female
Type of style: anything
Lisbeth doesn't really talk and her parents died and no one found their bodies she lives with her nice uncle and two cousins they both are mean she hates being around lots of people because there's to much noise she is depressed and as a dark side to her she never shows it that much. She gets bully sometimes.
Figure: she a dark raven hair and dark raven eyes her skin is normal and clear like a human being she has nice slender legs and a small waist but a tiny bit of chubby ness.

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