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3rd December

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3rd December

i sat down on a bench in the park. it was night time. and it was cold. very cold.

i looked up to the stars and sighed.

i remember when we always went on little stargazing dates, because i wanted to see the stars.

i remember how i always said that your smile was brighter than all the stars combined.

i remember how your face turned pink every time i said that.

i remember how you thought i couldn't see those pink cheeks in the dark.

i remember how we wished upon a shooting star, the night before we never talked again.

why didn't we talk again? i still want to know.

i remember our wishes.

my wish was to be with you forever.

and your wish?

you wished that i would never change. ever.

there was a shooting star tonight.

i closed my eyes, ready to wish.

but instead i made a promise.

since my wish was never... fulfilled,

tonight, i promise that i won't ever change.

i promise to fulfil your wish.

even if you aren't with me anymore.

it's the least i could do.

it's the least i could do

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