Chapter 7

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Gakupo's POV

The next day, Luka and I did the same routine. I pick her up every morning and we walk to school together.

As we reached the school, Rin and Len ran to us.

"Ohayo gozaimasu sensei!" The greeted in chorus with their cute voices.

"Ohayo." Luka said. "What's up?"

They had sad faces. "The principal stopped the Vocaloid club..." Rin said.

"Why?" I asked.

"Our old teacher transferred to another school..." Len said. "And we need a teacher or two for every club."

"We'll be your teachers!" Luka said happily. She held my hand.


"Yup!" She said. The twins were really happy.

"Yay! We can perform on the Christmas program!" They said. "Arigatou!" And they left.

"Luka, I can't sing!" I told her.

"Yeah you can! You sing better than me!" I sighed.

"Aw come on Gaku-kun! Its gonna be fun!"

"Fine..." She was happy.

"You're the best Gakupo!" She hugged me and kissed my cheek. Blush again....

Rin's POV

Kyaaaaaaaa!!!!!! Gakupo and Luka are our teachers!!!! GAKUPO X LUKA FOREVAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!

Len and I told all the Vocaloids, Kaito, Miku, Gumi and Meiko, that the Vocaloid club is back!  And there will be so much GakuLu!!!! And about our performance for the Christmas program!!!! We'll start practicing later!!! Excited much!!! I wonder what will we sing.... I'll think about it later! Now, Miku and I prepared our phones for later because we'll take a lot of pictures of Gakupo and Luka!!!! I can't wait!!!!


Yay! An update! So 3 more days guys! I got a lot to update so bye!^^

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