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Toc Toc Toc!
There he is.  It's been over a week since "Mr. Dr. Clown" first entered my room.  Since then, every day he comes to see me and stays to keep me company for a while.
I really don't know why he does it, but I have to admit that I like it.  The hours here in the hospital run very slow ... He's a distraction.
"Come in!"
As soon as he comes in, I get a laugh: he has the wig full of candy paper.
He drops into the chair next to my bed and glares at me.
"What happened to you?"  I ask him, trying to get serious.
"The children didn't like my new magic show," he mumbles, taking off his wig.
"Oh, Dylan! But you've worked so hard!"
"RIGHT!"  he exclaims with wide eyes.
I can't.  I burst out laughing again.
"You're a horrible person, you know that?"  he tells me, pouting.
I stick my tongue out and he finally smiles.
"How are you today?"  he asks me with his sweet tone.
"Mmh ... Well? Today Dr. Wu didn't torture me too much with the exercises" I reply.
"Perfect! Then you're not too tired and we can take a walk!"  he smiles, clapping his hands.
"Have you seriously just asked a girl with paralyzed legs to take a walk?"
"Exactly! We have this amazing wheelchair available, it's a shame to use it only to move from this room to that of physiotherapy, isn't it?"
"Wang He Di ... I ..."
"I'll take you to a special place, trust me!"
He looks at me with puppy eyes and I feel my cheeks take color.
I think about it for a moment.  In fact, it would be nice to be able to escape from here for a while...
"Okay, put the chair nearby," I tell him.
He obeys and tries to give me a hand to stand on it, but I stop him.
"I do it alone" I say.
He nods and waits.
I've tried it several times before, never succeeding ... Maybe today is the right time.
I raise myself with one arm and with the other I cling to the wheelchair.
After several attempts, I decide to give up.
"Can I help you?"  Dylan asks me, hesitating.
"Why not?"
"I don't want you to touch ... My legs" I reply, lowering my head.
"Don't look at me like that, please. I see you're pitying me," I sigh.
A wave of sadness hits me straight in the chest.
"I'm not pitying you, silly. And ... Okay, I can help you without touching your legs," he whispers to me, ruffling my hair.
I look him straight in the eye and I realize that it's true, there's no pity in his eyes.  I only see a beautiful light.
I nod and extend my arms.
He comes closer and lets them tie around his neck.  He smells good...
He envelops my waist and with a little effort he lifts me slightly off the bed.
"You're light, I could throw you out of the window without problems," he laughs.
We are practically glued to each other and as embarrassing as the situation is, the warmth that emanates from his body is pleasant.
"And then who would you go to torment all the holy days?"  I ask him.
He shakes his head with a grin and gently slips me on the chair, leaving my legs on the bed.
When he pulls away from me, I grab them and take them down with me.
"We did it!"  Dylan exclaims happily.
I smile at him.
"Hold on tight, my little dancer! Let's go!"

Along the corridors, some nurses ask us where we are going with an air of reproach.
"Order of Dr. Wu: I have to get some air to this girl" I tell them.
Nobody disputes me, everyone knows how deep my friendship with Caesar is and nobody doubts my words.
I push the wheelchair up to an elevator and we start climbing.
"Where are you taking me?"  Yue asks, suspicious.
"In the best place in the hospital, trust me".
After a few minutes, here we are on the roof.
It's evening and the sun is setting.  The sky is tinged with a very warm shade of red.
Yue says nothing, but her eyes shine as never before.
I see her breathing deeply the fresh evening air, a beautiful smile on her face.
God, she's breathtaking!
"Thank you" she whispers to me, turning suddenly towards me.
I wink at her and she laughs.
Ah, that laughter!
I sit on the floor next to her chair and we remain silent for a while.
Suddenly I get a message.
Yue's nurse again.  Caesar gave her my number and now she continues to torment me.
"Is it Chya again?"  Yue asks me, with a half smile.
"Why don't you ask her a date? She's waiting for you!"  she exclaims.
"What?! No!"
"But she's beautiful! And you should hear her sing! She looks like a Disney princess!"
"I know! But ... Tsk, none of your business" I mutter.
"I don't understand why you hesitate so much ..."
"Let's talk a little bit about you, okay? Let's talk about the hospital electrician who goes to your room almost every day to pretend to check if everything is ok" I tease her.
"Nonsense! And anyway I don't care, I already have a boyfriend" she replies, satisfied.
Ah.  Wow.  I mean ... WHAT?!
"Oh yes?"
"Yes. His name is Andrew, he's American."
Why is she talking to me about it?  I don't want to know.  But ... In short, some more information could be useful ...
"How did you meet him?"
"He's a ballet dancer too. We worked together for a few months in the same company a year ago. We were the two main dancers," she explains.
I don't like the smile with which she speaks of him.
"And what kind of guy is he?"
Stupid Wang He Di!  Stop asking questions!
"He is... Weird, like all dancers. He is a bit vain and easily offended, but he's also sweet. And he has a nice ass!"
"SHEN YUE!" I yell, scandalized.
"What's up ?! It's true! You should see him in tights!" she laughs.
"You're tremendous!"  I roll my eyes.
She smiles at me and shakes her head in amusement.
"Let's go back? It's cold now ... If you catch a cold, Caesar will kill me" I say, getting up.
She nods and so we return to her room.
I help her get on the bed and I put the blankets of her.
"Dylan, thanks. Really," she tells me.
It's the first time I've seen her so relaxed.
"You don't have to thank me! We'll come back there more often, okay? That will be our place."
"Now I'm going ... See you tomorrow, my little dancer" I stroke her hair and I walk to the door.
"See you tomorrow, Dr. Clown," she replies in a whisper, but it reaches my heart loud and clear.

Author's corner
Here's the first chapter ☺️
Little premise: I'm not a doctor and I really hope not to offend or upset anyone by talking about Yue's situation.  I will always try to be vague.
So ... what do you say?  Should I keep writing this story?  ☺️
Let me know what you think, okay?
I missed you 😉😘💜💛

P. S. Sorry, @chya26 😂

A big hug,

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