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"Ok, now you're perfect".
Dylan adjusts my red nose and caresses my face.
"Now we'll take a tour of the rooms, okay? Our goal is to make children smile, and if possible laugh.
Remember that this is a hospital, so there are less serious and other more serious cases ... Some children, sometimes, are reluctant to smile or don't want to communicate with us ... It's ok, it's understandable, but you  always smile.  Being aware of certain situations may make you feel sad, but you must not let it see, otherwise your mood will affect that of children.  Once you enter the ward, you must be the happiest person in the universe, ok? "
His serious tone surprises me.
"Dylan... I'm a little worried... I didn't think it was such a serious thing ... I don't know if I'm ready" I confess.
The idea of ​​seeing sick, suffering or sad children scares me.
"Everything will be fine, trust me" he smiles at me.
He looks into my eyes and his light-filled look reassures me.
I nod.
"Now bring out your magic smile! Let's go!"  he exclaims, pushing my wheelchair towards the door of the Pediatric ward.
We enter the first room ... The walls are colored yellow and decorated with cartoons.
There are two beds in the room, where two little girls of about five and ten are talking to each other.
Both are connected to a machine whose function I don't know ...
"Hi, my beautiful princesses!"  Dylan exclaims, bowing to them.
"You've finally arrived! You're late!"  complains the older one.
"Who is she?"  the younger one asks, scrutinizing my chair with curiosity.
"I know, I know, I'm late ... But it's not my fault! There was a dragon out here from the castle! I had to fight him before we could go in! And ... I have the pleasure to introduce you to  my dear friend: Yueyue! "
"Why are you in that chair? Are you tired?"  the younger one asks again.
"She's not tired, stupid! She can't move her legs!"  the older one answers, rolling her eyes.
"Oh ... And why? Are they tired?"
A laugh escapes me.
"Yes, they're tired. But tell me ... What's your name?"  I smile.
The two girls start telling me a lot of things.
It's nice to talk with them, they're fun!
After a good chat about enamels, clothes and boys, Dylan draws our attention.
"Sorry if I interrupt you, but now we should go," he says, laying a hand on my shoulder.
"You told us a lie, didn't you? Yueyue isn't your friend! She's your girlfriend!"  exclaims the older one.
"What? No! She already has a boyfriend!".
"Indeed! He is a prince! And he has blue eyes and blond hair ... You should see him, he is handsome!"  I exclaim.
I hear Dylan snort and I look up to see his face.
"What's up?"  I ask him.
"Don't listen to her, little girls. He's not really that handsome," he says.
The girls burst out laughing.
"Dylan is jealous! Dylan is jealous!"  they hum, clapping their hands.
He comes closer and crushes their nose.
"Tsk, you are two little devils" he smiles.
"You'll come back here, right Yueyue?"  they ask me, with hopeful eyes.
My heart leaps for joy.
"Sure!"  I answer firmly.

Yue is incredible.
She managed to conquer every single child we have seen.
She made jokes and games ... And with those who didn't want to joke, she simply smiled and chatted a little, without being intrusive.
Sometimes I saw her gaze darken for a few seconds seeing the conditions of some of them ... So I shook her hand and she immediately returned to smile, whispering "Sorry" every time.
I can understand her, even for me it was difficult at the beginning.  And I admit that I'm not used to seeing those little warriors fight against monsters bigger than them ... But if I want to help them in their battle, I have to be strong and positive.
We arrive in front of the last room.  Here is a nine-year-old boy who is in a coma since  several months.
Before entering, I explain the situation to Yue.
"What can we do for him? Can he hear us?"  she asks me with her hopeful eyes.
"I think so. I tell him stories, usually. Sometimes he just smiles ... I want to believe it's because he liked what I told him," I reply.
As a ex neurologist, I know that these situations are very complicated ... But in many cases, my coma patients reacted to the sound of a familiar voice or something pleasing to them ...
We enter and Yue's eyes immediately become shiny with tears.
"Do you want to wait outside?"  I whisper, worried.
I don't want to push her to do something that could upset her.
She approaches the child's bed with the wheelchair and gently touches his hand.
"Hello, little boy! I am Yueyue! I am a friend of Dylan ... That ugly clown who comes here to tell you stupid stories every day. Today I want to save you from him ... I'll sing a song for you, ok?"  she says in a whisper, smiling.
After a few seconds, she sings a song in English.
I don't understand a single word, but ... Man!  Her voice!  It's ... Extraordinary!
My heart starts beating very fast, it seems crazy.  I feel chills down my spine ... I want to hug her.
While Yue sings, a small smile forms on child's face and does not leave until the song is over.
I adore you, Shen Yue.

Dylan helps me get on my bed again.
"You're very tired, aren't you?"  he asks me, worried.
"Don't worry".
His eyes ... In his eyes I can see the questions that are blowing through his head.
"Thank you for this day, Dylan. I love your job! You are a breath of fresh air for those children and their families. Bringing a smile, a laugh ... It's not something everyone can do. But you ...  You're special ... And I really admire you for what you do, "I tell him, as I feel my cheeks just blush.
Without saying a word, he hugs me tight.
"Thank you, Shen Yue" he whispers in my ear.
I smile, happy.
"And you were great with the children! Everyone asked me to take you with me again, did you see?"
I barely move away from him to look into his eyes.
Today was really an important day.
I feel tired, but ... I know I've done something good and my heart is full of emotions.
"I will gladly come with you" I tell him.
I lose myself in his eyes ...
He's so close ... Too close ... And why is him getting closer and closer?  My heart is going crazy!
His lips rest gently on my nose.
"See you tomorrow, my little dancer".
I can't speak... What happens to me ?!
He waves at me and leaves.

Author's corner
Ciao! 💛💜
For those who don't know what Clown therapy is, I advise you to find out how many angels there are in this world❤️
A big thanks to all those who always leave me a comment or a vote or to those who are simply reading my story 😘
A big hug,

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