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what do you mean you were supposed to die?
what do you mean that this is your fate?
what do you mean the gods told you so?
and why did you insist on leaving?
leaving me...
why? why of all people,
why did it have to be you?

i can't take this much longer, achilles,
i can't bear us being separate for too long,
i yearn for our childhood days more than ever,
and now, i may not even see you again.

you were already walking out of the door,
ignoring my pleas and me holding on to you,
i was crying, achilles, didn't you see?
you're my everything, achilles,
you make me complete.

if you go, i won't be whole, and you know it,
is that why you want to go? why you want to leave?
is it because of me? did i hurt you?
i'm sorry if i did, i would never mean it,
please forgive me.

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