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you are an idiot,
how dare you do this to me?
how dare you take yourself away?

they found your helmet, covered in
your flesh and your blood,
you may see my anger from where you are,
how dare you go do the one thing you can't do,
you knew you couldn't fight, patroclus,
so why did you go?

why did you die?

i will follow you, i will meet you, i will never leave you,
i will hunt down the man who took you away,
i will tear him to shreds,
like how a lion attacks its prey,
and then, and then maybe i will let myself go,
maybe i will meet you soon, in elysium, where i know you are,
please if you're seeing me now, pray.

i may not be the best person in your life,
but i will commit to our pact,
if it is the last thing i do,
i'm coming, patroclus,
wait for that heart of mine,
please wait up,
hook your pinky with mine.

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