Chapter 6: Interrogation

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"Hey Denny," Lucia smiled. "So, what's the experiment?"

"We're exploding a watermelon!" Denny smiled brightly in excitement.

"Oh, dear," Lucia chuckled. "Sounds only slightly dangerous."

"I watched videos. This needs to work."

"Okay, I'm down," Lucia nodded. "Where do we start?"

"We need to cut a hole in the watermelon for the bottle of liquid nitrogen."

"Well, I have no forearm strength whatsoever, so you may do the honors," Lucia chuckled.

Denny nodded and got the knife before beginning to cut into the watermelon.

"Please don't hurt yourself," Lucia sighed as she set aside the liquid nitrogen.

Denny nodded again and kept cutting. He hit one hard spot and began to jerk the knife back and forth.

"Careful," Lucia frowned as she watched him closely.

"I'll be fine, Luci."

Lucia shrugged and knelt down, sifting through the cabinet to find a proper bottle for the liquid nitrogen.

Denny kept jerking the knife until it finally broke free, the knife slicing through the rest of the watermelon and right in his hand. "Ow!" Denny exclaimed in pain, dropping the knife and clutching his hand.

Lucia jumped up. "What did you- oh dear." She grabbed a clean towel and pressed it firmly to the heavily bleeding wound. "Are you alright?"

Denny's hand throbbed with pain. "Does it look like it, Luci?"

"I'll take that as a no," Lucia sighed. "Here, keep steady pressure on it. I'll drive you to Urgent Care."

Denny nodded and they got in the car.

Lucia drove quickly to Urgent Care and pulled into a parking space before hopping out of the car. "Do you think you'll need stitches?" She asked as she wrapped an arm around her friend.

Denny looked at her worriedly. "I hope not."

"I know," Lucia frowned, leading him inside and approaching the woman at the front desk. "Hi. My friend Denny here cut himself, and-"

"Dennis Joseph?" The woman frowned, putting up a hand. "Say no more. Go right in."

"Thank you," Lucia nodded, leading him down the hall. "I guess they know you."

"That's not a good thing."

"No, certainly not," Lucia sighed, opening the door.

"Dennis?" The doctor frowned. "What'd you do this time?"

"I cut myself."

"Oh dear," the doctor sighed. "Take a seat on the table and we'll have a look."

Denny let go of the bloodied towel and set it aside.

The doctor's eyes widened. "How did you manage this?"

"Um...trying to blow up a watermelon."

"He was trying to cut it open to fit the bottle of liquid nitrogen inside and then knife slipped and here we are," Lucia sighed, putting a hand on Denny's shoulder.

"I'm afraid you'll need stitches," the doctor nodded. "A tetanus shot as well."

Denny's eyes grew wide.

"You okay?" Lucia chuckled.

"No needles."

"It can't be avoided, Hon," Lucia sighed. "Sorry."

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