Chapter 1: New Beginnings

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Lee noticed Rosie had been a little off the past week, but he had accounted it to the fact that her childhood friend of many years had just ridden off into a violent war zone. He knew she was happy for Jack and Elizabeth and he was also happy for the newly engaged couple. But even the joy of the town teacher and beloved Mountie's engagement hadn't returned Rosemary to her normally perky self. He knew something was up, but he didn't quite know how to approach what was bothering her without setting off one of her usual overreactions. When she finally finished cooking dinner, she set the food on the table and turned off the stove. The couple said grace and Lee immediately dug into his food but Rosie didn't really touch hers. He set down his fork and grabbed her hand, "Is everything alright sweetheart?"

Rosemary looked up startled but smiled softly, "Yeah, just worried about Jack and Elizabeth, that's all," she said.

Lee nodded. He knew she was hiding something but he figured she would tell him when she was ready. The couple continued to eat in silence before Lee finally spoke, "Um, sweetheart, are you going to finish that?" he asked pointing to her unfinished meal.

"No, go ahead, I feel a little sick," she admitted.

Lee happily finished what Rosemary hadn't consumed and asked, "So it's about time Jack finally asked Elizabeth to marry him, huh babe?"

Rosemary brought herself back to reality as she was starting to dose off a bit, "Hmm. Oh yes, I'm happy for them. That's why I threw the impromptu engagement party. I'm sure it'll be difficult for Elizabeth though, with him being away for who knows how long."

Lee cleared the dishes and then sat down on the couch, motioning for Rosemary to sit next to him. She slowly got up and took a seat next to her husband. She leaned against his chest as she was dizzy and the room was starting to spin again. Lee tucked some hair behind her ear and asked, "Rosie, what's going on?"

Rosemary breathed a little uneasily before she said, "Lee, I have something to tell you but I don't know if this is the right time."

"What do you mean?" he asked wrapping his arm around her.

Rosemary sighed, "I mean with Jack going to the Northern Territories and both of us worrying about him, not to mention keeping things going at the saw mill, and me helping out Dottie at the dress shop. I just don't know if we're ready for it..."

"Whoa, ready for what?" asked Lee, a small twinge of excitement building up inside of him. Was Rosemary confessing what he thought she was saying?

Rosemary took a deep breath and began her explanation, "Well the other day, I went to see Dr. Shepherd because I haven't been feeling well. I thought it might be seasonal allergies or Jack's departure or some stomach bug, but the symptoms persisted. The fatigue, the nausea, the headaches, all of it. That's why I haven't been eating much lately," Lee nodded his understanding, indicating for her to continue, "Well I also mentioned to Carson that it's been awhile since I last"

Lee's eyes widened and he looked down towards Rosemary's abdomen, though it didn't give away anything right now, "Rosie, are you saying you're...?!"

She took his hands and said, "Leland Coulter, you're going to be a Daddy," she smiled softly.

"Oh Rosie," he said excitedly, embracing her and kissing her passionately, "You're pregnant?!"

"Uh huh," she exhaled nervously. This wasn't exactly planned after all. She wasn't 100% sure she had wanted children, yet here she was, the adventure of motherhood lying in her near future.

"Oh Rosie, this is wonderful!" exclaimed Lee, picking her up and spinning her around in a circle.

"Leland Coulter, Put me down this instant!" shouted Rosemary affirmatively.

Lee quickly followed her order and set her down gently on the couch again, "Sorry, got a little carried away there."

"You certainly did," Rosemary agreed with him, her hand drifting towards her abdomen, "Just that I've already been sick twice today and now you might have given the baby another reason to make me sick again."

"Oh goodness, I am so sorry," said Lee apologetically, taking her hand as she took a few deep breaths, "Do you need a bucket?"

Rosemary squeezed his hand and shook her head, "No, I think I'm okay."

"Good," said Lee relieved. He crouched down in front of his wife and said, "Okay, listen to Daddy in there. I know we both have several months before you make your appearance but just so you know we both love you very much," said Lee happily, "And I'm sure all of Hope Valley will be happy to meet you too."

Rosemary rubbed her hand through Lee's hair before she said, "But, Leland, listen, we are not telling all of Hope Valley right now," she said sternly.

"Why not? We can't exactly hide it forever," he joked.

Rosemary rolled her eyes and said, "I know that, but I want to wait a few more weeks and make sure things are going smoothly before we tell other people. So right now I want to keep it between the two of us. Understand?"

"I promise," Lee smiled. Rosemary smiled and leaned into Lee's embrace. She knew Lee would keep his word, even though she knew he currently wanted to run around Hope Valley screaming at the top of his lungs that he was going to be a father. Lee continued to rub soothing circles on top of Rosemary's belly, over their child, thinking about the baby within her. He soon realized Rosemary had fallen asleep in him arms so he quietly lifted her up and carried her upstairs, placing her on the bed when he reached their bedroom. He changed into his pajamas and crawled in next to her, kissing her temple and then cuddling next to her, his hand on her abdomen once again as he fell asleep.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Sep 12, 2019 ⏰

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