Nuhta Yë Rúcina (Dazed and Confused)

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Walking away, he spoke to everyone "I'll be waiting for you at the Overlook, before the slopes of Erebor. Keep the Map and Key safe. Do Not enter that mountain without me. Theia, Amara don't use your magic unless you have to! This is not the Greenwood of old. The very air of the forest is heavy with illusion. It'll seek to enter your mind and lead you astray."
"Lead us astray? What does that mean?" Bilbo questioned the others, quietly - confused.
"Lead us away from the path, I think he means." I replied.
"You must stay on the path. Do not leave it." Gandalf ordered. "...If you do, you'll never find it again."
He began to ride off. "No matter what may come, stay on the path!"
I memorized those words. And Beorn's.

"Come on. We must reach the mountain before the sun sets on Durin's Day." Adad spoke, leading us all into the forest.
"Durin's day?" Bilbo asked himself.
"Lets go." Bofur said.
I was mentally trying to prepare myself for what might lie ahead...

Little did I know, nothing could prepare me for what I was about to encounter.


*Apostrophe marks in italics ' are thoughts
Example: 'another chapter on it's way!'
* Italics without apostrophes put emphasis on certain word(s)
Example: Attercop! Attercop!
* Asterisk symbol * in bold is a translation for any of Tolkien's languages.
Example: "Adad." *Father/Dad.*

(As I stated in the Disclaimer, I only own my plot twists and OC's)
Part of this is on page: 159 & 160 of The Hobbit. (You'll spot it)

Song: Dreams
Artist: Fleetwood Mac

Every few steps Nori, or someone else would take the lead and hit the path with their weapon. At first it was mom, blowing away leaves with her hand so we could see the path, until she got exhausted quickly. Within minutes. Adad made her stop, having Dwalin and I look after mom and he took over. "Path turns this way." Within the hour, we were walking along side tree's roots, under them, on them, on trees branches... It was a creepy forest.

And it quickly became noticeable that the company was turning delirious.
"Air. I need air." Bofur muttered.
I turned to him alarmed.
"It'll be okay, Bofur. Just keep walking. Follow me, alright?"
He nodded, seemingly not in the right mind.

"My head, it's swimming! What's happening?" Oin exclaimed.
I turned to mom, silently wondering if we could do anything.
She shook her head, sadly. "Sorry hun, but there's nothing. This forest is too thick with magic."
Sighing, I kept thinking. 'There has to be something.'
"Keep moving." Adad ordered. As we came to a stop, near what I assumed to be night time.

"Nori...why have we stopped?" Adad asked.
"The path...It's disappeared." Nori said, befuddled.
'How could it be gone? We just had it!'
"What's going on?" Dwalin asked.
"We've lost the path!" Oin informed everyone.

I shook my head. Gandalf's words rang in my head: "You must stay on the path. Do not leave it." Gandalf ordered. "...If you do, you'll never find it again."
We, were now officially lost.
"Find it." Thorin ordered.
"Adad, it's no use! We have lost it. Remember what Gandalf said? If we leave the path, "you'll never find it again!" We are lost! I should have used my Elemental magic."
"Enough, Theia. We are not lost. We are in Mirkwood. Now, we just have to find the path."
"All of you, look. Look for the path! And stay together!" He ordered.

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