Chapter 2

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"Ms. Bandock!" An older woman greeted as she walked into the kitchen. The young woman in question stood at one of the counters washing vegetables in a pail, as other servants were busying around her, preparing breakfast.

She looked up at the sound of her name, before setting the vegetables down onto the counter and hurrying over to the older woman.

"I'm Mrs. Hoggon, I am to show you around before the master and mistress are awake."
She had turned and started down the hallway, pointing out rooms and certain things that are never to be disturbed. Jenny Bandock tried to soak up as much as she could remember, knowing it would take her a bit of time to get used to such a mansion.

After the tour, Jenny was ushered back to the kitchen to finish with her previous task. As she reentered the kitchen, one of the maids she did not know the name of approached her.

"Jenny, would you be a dear and take these scraps out to the pigs?" A few of the other maids his their snickers behind their hands, peeking back at the new maid to see her reaction.

"Of course!" She smiled happily, and took the pail of scraps from the other's hands, and headed out the back door. Leaving the maids shocked and bewildered.

Jenny made her way around the mansion until she spotted, what looked like barn, quit a walk from the mansion, tucked away from view in the trees.

The young girl sighed lightly and began walking with the heavy pail of scraps, trying to keep the edges from soiling her new uniform on her first day. Of course her job required getting dirty. But she didn't want have to be stuck with the disgusting musk of scrap food for the rest of the day.

She reached the barn and pulled open the front sliding door, peering into the stable area.

"Hello?" She stepped inside and closed the door behind her, "anyone in her?"

She walked through the barn, passing stables with a goat or two inside chewing happily on some fresh hay. As she reached the other end of the barn she came to a stall with two fluffy pigs also chewing on some hay.

"Aren't you two just the cutest little pigs I've ever seen." She gushed, setting down the pail and leaning over the stall door to get a better look at them.

"I agree."

Jenny nearly jumped out of her skin, before spinning around, eyes wide. There stood a man, arms crossed over this chest with a piece of hay between his teeth. His hair was messy, as if he had just woken up, with a few pieces of hay sticking out here and there.

He stood in the open door way of the stall directly opposite to the pigs.

Jenny stared wide eyed, unsure of who he was. Unbeknownst to herself, Jenny placed a hand over her heart, still startled by the unexpected man.

"My name's Darven, Darven Winlock." He grinned leaning against the barn wall. His eyes flickered down to the pail before he pulled the piece of hay from in-between his teeth.

"You here to drop off the scraps?"

Unable to form words, Jenny merely nodded her head, glancing down at said object sitting at her feet.

He pushed off the wall and approached the girl, dropping the hay he was chewing on, onto the floor. Jenny quickly bent down and picked up the pail, bringing her eyes back up to the man as he stopped right in front of her.

"Can I have that now?" His hand took hold of the handle, lightly brushing against her hand as she released her hold on the object.
"Thank you."

In reply she merely smiled, clasping her hands in front of her. Her soft brown eyes darted around the barn as she chewed on her bottom lip.

"Jenny. My name is Jenny Bandock..." Her voice trailed off as the man's eyes captivated her.

His lips turned up into a crooked smirk.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Jenny Bandock."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2021 ⏰

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