Elentiya POV

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I was in Alaric's arms. He was just listening to me talk about my dreams. I thought of the look of pain on his face as I looked so blissfully happy about saying that I loved him. I loved him? I hated Eris. He had asked for my hand the morning that my father left on his trip. Agreeing. My father, mother, and brother left me behind. There was no reason for a girl to go along they said. But Alaric would only get hurt worse if he knew that was forced. So I thought of what I wanted most in the world. Normally I just thought of my dreams. Not today.

"GRANDMA," a boy age of 8 ran towards my mom. He had violet eyes like his father and white hair like his mother. He had Illyrian wings that he showed off the his grandparents. Our 4 year old hugged my dad. "Hi Grandpa!"

"Oh who do we have here now?"

"I'm your new family!" I smiled as I put my head on Alaric's chest. He put his arms around me as our daughter showed them her retractable wings. Our 8 year old hugging her because she was doing great. She had black hair and her mother's Ashyver eyes. I smiled.

I saw a different scene of Rhysand and Feyre meeting my mom and dad and my mom pulling Rhysand in closer and whispering, "has far exactly have elentiya and Alaric taken it before?" I could feel my face getting red. Alaric nervously laughing as Rowan shot him death glares. My mate. My mate who loved me. I could see Lorcan's child and my brother, who was now taller than me, observing Alaric. I scolded them and told them to relax.

I wanted that. I wish I had that. No more tears today though. I smiled at the thought. The thought of having children. I thought about having children and paused. Thinking of some names. "He's recently proposed you know. The morning before I came to hang out during the day."

"Oh." I wanted him so badly. To kiss him. To hold him. Then he ran a hand a long my stomach. It wasn't romantic at all. I turned to face him seeing his eyes were full of wanting. I got up. I couldn't kiss him. If I did then it would hurt him worse once he realized who I was, who my fiancé was, who my family was.

He would look at me like all the others, like I was useless. Like he didn't know me. I just want him to hurt me. Get it over with.

I left the room. It was 5:30. I should be getting ready for the club. I got a gold crop top. It had long sleeves and did a bit of an overlap with the fabric. It covered the top perfectly well, only showing a bit, but it went only covering my breasts, which meant my stomach was entirely showing. I put on some short black shorts. I had to figure out my hair now. I let it down and brushed it. Then I curled it barely to make it wavy. Then I did some makeup. I had gold eyeshadow, got an eyeliner, put on some red lipstick. I added a few other things that made my face shine. For shoes I put on some high heeled boots. They went only a couple inches above my ankles. They were plain black. I looked great , I had to admit. Now for Kainda.

I found her wearing what she wore to training. "What are you going to wear?"

"Just this."

"No no no no NO. Absolutely not. We are out getting revenge! We don't do it looking like that. Now come. We are changing you, and going to the club afterwards." I looked her in the eyes till I won a staring dominance competition.

"Fine." I squealed and ran her upstairs. I brought her to her room. Then I thought about what would bring out her hazel eyes, and black hair. I grinned.

I got out a crop top that was copper colored.  It didn't have any straps or sleeves. She put it on. Then I rummaged through her clothes for something suitable for her to wear. I pulled out a pair of black shorts and tossed them to her. She put those on too. Then I did her hair in a loose braid that fell down on her shoulder. I did her eyeshadow as a chocolate bronze, whatever that was. I put on a pink lipstick that didn't change her lip color too much. Then I fished the rest of the makeup. "Okay, you can see yourself now. Her eyes widened seeing herself. I got some boots like mine except brown for her. She looked at herself in the mirror.

"So? Do you like it? I mean it's not much but-"

"It's perfect." She hugged me.

I hugged back. "Well it certainly brings out your wings." I winked. "And they look magnificent!"

"You Really think so?"

"Yep. Now here's the plan. Situation A he goes for you and you see what happens from then on out. Situation B He goes for me and I strung him along all night and finally tell him I would like him if he had wings. Ending of both you get what you want!"

She rolled her eyes. I took her downstairs. There we had to go out the door. We were completely armed as well. Then we had to pass everyone to go out. It wasn't like we were sneaking out. Then we walked in. Cassian's eyes went wide.

"Where the hell are you two going?"Kainda shrugged.

"We are going to the club Cassian."

"What? Dressed like this? I thought you were going in fighting leathers!"

"Which Elentiya changed me out of."

"Because we are not going to the club looking like we are there to kill someone. We are going to party."

Rhysand intervened, "you know Cassian they are 17. We could keep them back."

"Your right. You could. But you won't."

"Why not?"

"Because we are going to go out the front doors or out our windows." I raised an eyebrow. Cassian Just grumbled. Alaric was just string at me and what I was wearing. I rolled my eyes.

"Please dad."

"Ugh. Fine. Just because your mother had a death grip on my arm the entire time though."

"Yes! Let's go!" I grabbed her arm and basically dragged her out the door.

We went to the club. It had a long line. But everyone was let in pretty quickly. Kainda And I were let in priority because Nesta was sister to the high lady. We walked in and the music was booming. Kainda looked nervous.

"Loosen up. Have fun. It's a party at the club! Without your dad! Calm down. Go grab a dance partner." Then I pulled her onto the dance floor and began dancing.

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