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Leigh felt movement in the bed next to her. She smiled when she saw Darcie sitting there. "Hi," Darcie mumbled as she cuddled into Leigh.

Leigh held her close. She looked at her and saw that she had Warren's eyes. "Your mummy loves you," she mumbled. She kissed her head. "Even though your daddy doesn't know about you, he's going to love you too."

Darcie smiled widely. Leigh saw she had Warren's smile. "I'm sorry for this," she mumbled.

Leigh went to meet with Warren. She had Darcie with her. "Who's this?" Warren asked as he kissed Leigh's cheek.

"This is Darcie. She's two and she's the best little girl on this planet. I'm meant to be taking her to nursery. Fancy a walk with us?" Leigh asked. She knew what she was doing.

Warren looked at the little girl and saw that she had Leigh's eyes. "Why not."

When Leigh had dropped Darcie off at the nursery, Warren grabbed Leigh's waist. "Is she ours? Don't lie to me either. Is she my daughter."

Leigh nodded. "I found out I was having her two months after you were sent to prison. I wanted to tell you. But my mum. She told me I couldn't. That you wouldn't want to know."

Warren was fuming. He hated how Sam had ruined his life. He had missed out on two years with his daughter all because of Sam Lomax. "I'm not having this. That little girl is ours."

"Yes I know. But my mum. She tricked me into letting her raise her. It's the one thing I regret more than anything."

Warren looked at her. "She isn't getting away with this Leigh. I won't hurt anyone. But she's not getting away with taking my little girl away from me."

Sam looked up as Leigh walked into the house. Warren behind her. "What is he doing here?" Sam spat. She paled. "Has he been around Darcie?"

Warren smirked. "Yeah. My daughter is adorable. You're gonna pay for keeping me out of her life."

Sam looked at Leigh. "You told him?"

"No. She didn't tell me. I worked it out. You're too old to have a two year old daughter. She tried to stop me from coming here," Warren said.

"Get out of my house. You're not welcome here."

"Oh I'm going. But believe me, you're gonna pay for this."

Sam was pacing as Leela, Tegan and Danny all walked in. Leigh rolled her eyes. "This is pointless."

"What's going on?" Leela asked. She saw the look on Leigh's face. "What's happened?"

"Warren knows about Darcie. He's made threats. Ella has gone to get Darcie from nursery and we're leaving. Moving to New Zealand."

Leigh was shocked. She wasn't going to New Zealand and she wasn't letting them take Darcie. "This isn't happening. She is my daughter. No one else's. Mine and you're not taking her to New Zealand."

"It's for the best."

Leigh smirked. "I'll tell Warren. He won't let that happen will he?"

Sam paled. She knew what Warren was capable of. But could she risk the effects it could have on the family by staying?

Ella walked into the village with Darcie. Warren walked over to her. "Hey Ella. Hello you."

Darcie giggled and held on Ella's hand. Ella smiled. "I know that you're her daddy. Leigh told me and I think it's ridiculous how my mum is acting like this."


Darcie rugged on Ella's arm and pointed towards the house. "I should take her back. Everyone will be doing their nut in."

Warren nodded and smiled. He picked up Darcie who had a smile on her face. "I'll see you soon princess."

Ella walked off leaving Warren there smirking. He was getting Leigh back. But more importantly, getting their daughter back.

The Bad Boy's Baby Girl *Hollyoaks*حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن